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earn money playing video games
earn money playing video games

Since my childhood I dreamt from a job where I could play video games daily and generate income from it.

Well! If you are an avid gamer and love to play video games all day then now you can turn this hobby into a full time profession.

You won’t think you can play games online for a living now. In this guide, we’ll inform you 7 ways to make money playing all sorts of games.

Not all the choices will make you money but should you choose anyone out of 7 and concentrate on it single-mindedly then you can surely create a passive income.

So go through the listing and choose any 1 way which suits you the very best.

Make Money Playing Trivia Games Online
Iako igranje Trivia Games online verovatno neće zaraditi dovoljno novca. Ali, to može biti odličan način za početak.


Osim plaćanja za klikove na oglase, gledanje video zapisa i anketiranje Swagbucks također plaća za igranje igrica na mreži.

Moguće je početi sa igranjem besplatnih igrica koje čine vaše SB-ove (Swagbuckova metoda tačke ). Ako želite ostvariti više prihoda onda ih morate kombinirati”Plati za igranje” program.

Moguće je napraviti okolo $.04 to $.05 na svakom $1 potrošili ste za igranje utakmica. Moguće je uplatiti novac na vaš GSN račun i početi.


Tačno kao Swagbucks, Inboxdollars vam također plaća za igranje igrica. Nakon što uplatite novac na svoje račune, InboxDollar will connect you with WorldWinner account.

You can earn $.01 — $.04 na svakom $1 you invest.

In addition you get.5% — 2% money back on every dollar you spend entering the cash tournaments.


You may even earn by downloading apps onto your mobile phone. HQ Trivia is among the hottest gaming program right now.

On a typical HQ Pool Prize is approximately $2500. You have to compete in 12 rounds of Tricky Trivia to get a chance to split the prize pool.


If you do not like playing insignificant games online then you can play video games on your PC or a console such as PS4 or Xbox.

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Here you join with a website, download the software on your computer, choose a game you need to play from the list and after attaining certain goal you earn points or rewards.

Na primjer, one of the most popular gaming site PlayVig.com rewards you using PlayVIG coins that can be later redeemed for real money and retrieved through PayPal.

They cover you for completing quests throughout the chief board.

A Few of the games that you can play are:

1000 PlayVIG coins = $1. Various games cover you differently. On an average you can earn anything between $.30 i $3 per hour depending upon your gaming experience.

Another more popular gambling website is PlayersLounge. You play other gamers online on PS4, Xbox One or in your PC.

PlayersLounge provides you quite aggressive high risk high reward atmosphere.

Some of the favorite games are:

Madden 19
Here you have to pay an entry fee to join this match. For instance Madden 19 costs $20 and decoration is $36 but Fortnite’s entrance fee is $2.5 and prize is $4.5.

Kombinirajte eSport tim/turnire

ESportovi su za iskusne i iskusne igrače. Ovo je jedini način da legalno zaradite značajan novac kao igrač.

Dekoracija bazena može biti okolo $1 Milion, počevši od $100,000.

Epic Games’ Fornite je platio otprilike $100 miliona u igrače ove godine.

Ako ste među najboljim i vrhunskim igračima, na internetu ćete moći pronaći turnire koji nude nagrade za pobjednike.

ESports je dostupan svima, jednostavno morate osvojiti druge igrače da biste pokazali svoju vrijednost.

PC igre poput League of Legends, Overwatch, Dota 2 itd. imaju turnire koji vam pružaju priliku da zaradite dodatni novac igrajući video igrice.

Novac će biti podijeljen između vas i vašeg osoblja. Pronalaženje skupa vještih igrača za grupu može biti težak zadatak.

You have to know your game inside and out and perform a great deal to stay in front of the competition.

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Farming Gold and Things


Gold farming is just purchasing and selling of things for the game’s currency kind. This will let you raise your personality and move up in the game.

You can find gold and sell it for real world money. This is called gold farming.

For instance, if you’re playing World of Warcraft then you are able to go on raids and collect dropped items for sale and find gold across the way and sell them for real money.

Most gaming companies don’t allow this practice and rigorously ban it. However some do allow farming and encourage it.

Količina novca koju možete zaraditi ovisi o vrsti igre i stvari koju uzgajate.

kako god, vrijeme potrebno za uzgoj zlata moglo bi biti previše. Da vam dam osećaj za zaradu $1, treba da se bavite farmom 1000 zlato. Za $100 želite da obrađujete otprilike 300,000 zlato.

Slično, možete se aktivno igrati igricama i kupovati & prodavati stvari okolo $5 — $20.


Testiranje igara je u suštini osiguranje kvaliteta (QA) Posao na kojem provjeravate insekte, ponovo kreirati i prijaviti ih.

Zadaci testiranja igara mogu se smatrati negativnom gužvom jer gotovina nije tako velika.

U prosjeku, tester igre je plaćen bilo šta između $10 i $15 po sesiji testiranja. Tester igara sa punim radnim vremenom može zaraditi okolo $15,000 (low end) to $35,000 (high end) za godinu dana.

Posao za testiranje igara možete pronaći na Indeed.com ili Monster.com. Korištenje fakultetske diplome zapravo povećava šanse za zapošljavanje.

From the exterior its looks easy but from within game testing job isn’t that glamorous.

Live Streaming on Twitch and YouTube
I must have mentioned this on the cover of the article because this is maybe among the most sought after way to make money online if you love playing games. kako god, not everyone can achieve this.

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With the rise of live streaming websites like Twitch & YouTube now enthusiastic gamers can broadcast themselves to the world while enjoying games.

On Twitch, streamers broadcast to millions of viewers across the world.

It is possible to stream videos each day and make ton of money in the event that you have a massive fan following. Just to give you an idea Twitch’s best streamers make over $500,000 a month doing this.

I’m not saying everyone will make this much sum of money but if you are ready to market thousands of views every day then you can earn hundreds of dollars each month.

kako god, so as to make some money your commentary has to be engaging rather than a slow pitched boring monologue.

In the end, if you are a successful gamer and also understand how to earn money playing games then you can share your experience with others through writing blogs, creating eBooks, game guidesand tutorials etc..

You can even write critical reviews of a match and provide an honest opinion to game fans.

When you start getting sufficient viewers to your blog you can decorate it using Google Adsense and create revenue through advertisements.

Afterwards, možete čak prodati e-knjige i tutorijale svojim sljedbenicima i zaraditi još više novca.

To činite tek kada ste stekli dovoljno iskustva igrajući igrice ovih godina.

Ovo su bili 7 načina da zaradite novac igrajući igrice. Igrači početnici mogu početi s prvom opcijom iz izvještaja. Kako steknete neko iskustvo, možete korak po korak preći na druge ideje.

Zarađivanje Playstation trofeja — 1000 Bodovi se mogu zamijeniti $10.
Prodajte svoj račun — Možete prodati svoj račun za igre visoke vrijednosti drugim igračima.
Igrajte igre na Steamu — Ovdje zarađujete sanduke i svaki sanduk se može prodati za $.50.
Iako novac igranjem igrica nije tako dobar, ali svakako možete zaraditi malo viška novca zabavljajući se!



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