10 Hämmastavad asjad, kuidas e-raamatute äri annab teile passiivset sissetulekut

Avastage finantsvabadus kodupõhise e-raamatuga

Rahalist vabadust saab lihtsalt tunnustada raske tööga, arengut, and popular – but reliable – services or product. Interneti-äriga, neid kolme hägustab sageli praktiliselt liiga palju võimalusi. Internetis pakutavate äritüüpide masendavat mitmekesisust uurides saate end hõlpsalt vältida. Aga e-raamatutega, paljud väikeettevõtete omanikud leiavad rahalise vabaduse, kasutades püsivaid väärtuslikke tooteid.

E-raamatud on elektroonilised raamatud, mis võivad koosneda graafikast, fotod, heli, ja mis tahes teemaga seotud sisu. E-raamatu loomine on odav, kuid ometi on inimestel hea meel neid iga päev lugeda. E-raamatud on Internetis populaarsed, kuna need on tavaliselt taskukohased või tasuta ning pakuvad ainulaadseid ideid ja näpunäiteid erinevatel teemadel.

E-raamatu ärifaktid

E-raamatuäri käivitamine tähendab, et pakute e-raamatuid veebis müügiks kindlale sihtrühmale. Võite pakkuda ainult ühte või mõnda e-raamatut, või võite isegi pakkuda neid palju. Valik on sinu. Kuid, muidugi, mida rohkem e-raamatuid pakute, the more opportunities you’ll need to earn a lucrative income.

You’ll promote your ebooks utilizing various methods such as an e-mail newsletter (e-zine), search engine promotions, paid ads, and other approaches. When they purchase one of your e-books, they will download it straight from your website or from an email.

Ebook businesses are so successful in gaining monetary flexibility because you do not need to do anything except promoting them once they’re created. You can create an automatic cash system that works 24 hours a day, seven days a week. E-books can be sold and downloaded by your clients while you sleep!

Raha teenimiseks müüge e-raamatuid edasi

If you do not want to compose your e-books, you can likewise develop a money system and enjoy monetary freedom by reselling e-books that others have written. With this type of home business, you will acquire rights to numerous e-books and resell them as your items. Remember that other companies will likely be selling these titles too. The Internet is so big; there’s plenty of space for everybody!

Some businesses offer business opportunities in which you’ll receive many benefits in addition to numerous e-books to resell. These opportunities may cost a little upfront but are definitely worth the investment for starting your own home-based business. The e-book products alone can create an extremely healthy cash system for many years to come.

Just like any home business, offering e-books will spend some time promoting and build. But once the ball’s rolling, you’ll take pleasure in financial stability and success like never before!

With e-books, numerous small business owners are finding financial freedom while offering lasting products of worth and value.

Beginning an ebook business means you are providing e-books for sale online to a particular target audience. If you don’t desire to write your e-books, you can also create a cash system and delight in financial liberty by reselling e-books that others have composed. With this type of home business, you will acquire rights to numerous e-books, often hundreds of them, and resell them as your products. Some business supply business chances in which you’ll get many benefits along with hundreds of e-books to resell.

The web has altered a lot of things in our world. As customers, general delivery letters were changed with e-mail—we Skype selle asemel, et kurnata meie rahakotti kaugekõnedega. Ja me käime Amazonis sisseoste tegemas, selle asemel, et kaitsta parkimiskohta ja tegeleda rahvahulgaga piirkondlikus kaubanduskeskuses.

Selle teisel poolel, veebiettevõtete omanikena, kasutame oma toote või teenuste turustamiseks e-posti, Skype, et korraldada konverentse ja teenida raha veebisaidil Amazon.com müües.

See on lihtsalt väike ülevaade kõigist katkestustest, mille üle oleme tänu veebile rõõmu tundnud. Üks turgudele kõige enam sekkunud ja eraettevõtte omaniku jaoks suurepärast sissetulekut teenivate veebipõhiste ettevõtmiste hulgas on endiselt raamatute kirjastamine – eelkõige e-raamatute avaldamine ja pakkumine veebis..

Sa näed, mida teevad tohutud kirjastused koos tohutute toimetajate töökohtadega, autorid, administrative personnel … and after that huge printing presses … then warehouse et oma raamatud kätte saada book shops around the nation … all to ideally raamatud kätte saada clients … saate teha arvutis süsteem, mis teil täna on. Kui see pole tohutu häirimine, Ma ei saa aru, mis on.

Kogu bürokraatiaga, “play to pay” methods, ja turundusabi puudumine suurtest kirjastusettevõtetest (koos madalate autoritasudega), paljud avastavad, et ise avaldamine on palju parem valik (ja enamasti tulusam alternatiiv!).

On mõned olulised erinevused selle isekirjastamise vahel (mis, muideks, sellel pole ebasoodsat alatooni, mida ta kasutas) ja tavapärane avaldamisprotseduur. Te ei tegele sellega trükitud raamatud, ühe jaoks. See vabaneb kuludest ja probleemidest, tegelikult, arendavad raamatud, neid päästes, and providing them– which might not even offer. See saab olema kõik digitaalne. Need on e-raamatud, mis võib olla jätkas vidinate lugemist nagu Amazoni Kindle, teine ​​tablett või nutiseade, ja isegi arvutisüsteem.

Lihtsatest algustest, e-raamatuid nüüd pakkuda miljonites igal aastal, esindab umbes 20 protsenti Ameerika Ühendriikide kirjastamisturust. Ja on olemas palju ruumi ühe inimese e-raamatute ettevõtte omanikule, et saada osa sellest turust.

Nii et olgu pilk, kuidas saate teenida e-raamatutega tulu, kontseptualiseerimisest kirjutisele, ja enamus significantly … the marketing and selling of your ebooks online.

Mis on e-raamatud?

Kuid, e-raamatud on formaadis, kus nad olla saavad ette nähtud või Internetist alla laaditud. Sa saad koostage need ise, kasutada autoreid, kasutada üldkasutatavat materjali, ja koostage oma e-raamatuid paljudest allikatest. And almost any topic can be covered– just as numerous, kui mitte rohkem, kui mis a tavapärane väljaandja võib käivitada, kuna saate kohandada oma toome konkreetsetele nišiturgudel. Reisijuhid, kuidas käsiraamatud, saladus, armastus, ulmeline, eneseabi, innovation, religious beliefs … almost any topic is a level playing field seni, kuni on turgu ettevalmistatud ostjad.
( Üks parimaid viise vaatamiseks jaoks on Amazoni enimmüüdud nimekirjade skannimine. Ja mitte lihtsalt üldine nimekiri, however, samuti klassifikaatorite ja alamkategooriate jaoks.).

Samamoodi, sa ei pea arvestama toimetaja või kirjastaja juures teavitama kas raamat saab olema vabastatud. Ja te ei pea sõltuma raamatupoest et oma raamat sinna panna nagid. Teil on täielik kontroll kogu protseduur.

You’re going to manage whatever yourself, consisting of marketing and selling. Which indicates you get to keep all the earnings. They’re absolutely nothing to sneeze at.

Self-published authors have had huge success in the last few years. Take Hugh Howey, who offered a series of sci-fi books through Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing. At one point, he was offering 20,000– 30,000 copies a month, mis produced $150,000 in earnings month-to-month. Amanda Hocking, who composes “paranormal love” and dream books, has offered more than a million books on Amazon, creating over $2 million in sales. That’s evidence that you can earn money self-publishing on Amazon.

Maybe most notoriously, 50 Shades of Grey author E.L. James’s erotica series began life as a self-published work before being bought by a standard publisher and became a motion picture.

Lubage mul näidata teile, kuidas luua sama tüüpi organisatsiooni.

Karu Pidage meeles, et kuigi Amazon.com on kõige rohkem tüüpiline viis, kuidas paljud inimesed mõtlevad e-raamatute äri pakkumisele veebis, Samuti saate oma e-raamatuid otse oma saidilt pakkuda. Lisateavet selle kohta on loetletud allpool.

Beginning an Ebook Business– Where You Sell

E-raamatute väljaandjana, Teil on oma teoste pakkumiseks paar alternatiivi.

Saate luua oma saidi ja pakkuda oma e-raamatut otse võrgus. Saate luua oma lugejatele edastatava PDF-i, näiteks. Lihtne ostukorv või PayPali link, ja oletegi valmis. Lugeja läheb teie veebisaidile, ostud, saab allalaadimislingi, ja saab teie raamatu. See on praktiliselt kõik automatiseeritud, ja jälgite asju, et tagada veebisaidi tõhus toimimine.

The advantage of this is you manage the whole procedure, get all of the consumer info (so you can promote extra items, services, or books), and charge greater rates. You might discover this unexpected. Kuid, many ebooks offered straight on a site (particularly if it’s on a focused subject) can cost $40 or more, which is double what a conventional print book would cost.

Among the most convenient methods to offer ebooks is to overcome a third-party website like Amazon. You might have bought items, even books, from Amazon in the past. Kuid, this is an entire various side to this enormous e-commerce website.

The huge advantage to overcoming Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, although they charge you a commission on your sales, is their reach. Around 89 million Americans are stated to be active ebook readers. See on teie võimalik vaatajaskond, kõik inimesed, kes külastavad seda veebisaiti ja otsivad uhiuut raamatut. See võib olla teie raamat, mille nad avastavad seotud märksõna otsimisel. 38 protsenti igapäevasest Amazoni e-raamatute müügist läheb omakirjastatud raamatutele.

Kuigi te ei pruugi teenida nii palju raha, kui pakuksite otse veebisaidil, teil on võimalus jõuda vaatajaskonnani, kellele te muidu ei pääseks.

Kindle'is e-raamatu pakkumise protseduur on lihtne. Sa registreerud, seejärel esitage oma e-raamat. Nad hoolitsevad selle muutmise eest oma eksklusiivsesse vormingusse. Seejärel olete valmis oma ettevõtet Amazon.com kaudu pakkuma ja kasvatama.

Millise nendest alternatiividest peaksite valima? Soovitan teha mõlemat.

Pane üks (or 2) of your books on Amazon and consider that as a traffic source … a method for brand-new individuals to discover you, and you get to make benefit from the sales of the ebook. Utilize your Amazon ebooks to drive individuals back to your site and get them onto your e-mail list.

The very best method to do this is to consist of a free reward deal inside your book and have them return to your site to declare their benefit. To get access to the reward, they need to opt-in and provide you their e-mail address.

When you have them on your e-mail list, you can follow up with them and offer them extra ebooks from your website at a greater cost point. Utilize the very best of both worlds!

Where to Get Your Content– The First Step to Creating Your Bestseller Ebook Business

Think it or not, you may currently have the majority of an ebook composed now. If you are currently generating income with a blog site, those articles could be developed into an ebook with some modifying. Just gather pertinent articles into an order that makes good sense, make any required edits so that referrals that aren’t appropriate are secured, and include an intro and conclusion, and you’re done. Any post you utilize needs to cover the same or associated subjects and work well together.

Although the details can be discovered free of charge throughout your website, many individuals want to pay cash to have it officially arranged into something simpler to take in, like an ebook.

Loomulikult, that’s only one method to assemble the material for your ebook. If you wish to release an initial work of fiction or nonfiction– something you compose yourself fresh– that is likewise an excellent choice.

If you’re going back to square one, the crucial part is to work progressively towards your objectives of ending up in that book. Compose something every day! Start with a summary, and after that, fill it in.

You can likewise repurpose a book that remains in the general public domain. This suggests the copyright has ended, and any person can take the material of those books and release them, either upgraded or remodeled in some way or as is. Did you see that book Pride and Prejudice and Zombies that came out a couple of years ago? That’s a fantastic example of revamping a public domain book.

You can discover public domain works that include classics like Call of the Wild by Jack London and Shakespeare and books on almost every topic you can think about (a fast search yielded canine training guides, a how-to guide for amateur vocalists, and a lot more), in places like Project Gutenberg.

Kuid, the secret here is to not simply republish the available public domain works, however, to customize them and put your special twist on them. An example would be the book The Art of War. You might repurpose that book into something like The Art of War for Business Professionals or The Art of War for Freelance Employees.

Another alternative is you can employ somebody else to compose your book for you. This is a typical practice in the book publishing market; these authors are described as “ghost writers.”

The last idea to remember is that you do not need to compose something like War and Peace. You can write much shorter books for Amazon and offer them at lower rate points varying from $2.99 to $4.99, and individuals choose ebooks that are much shorter with more focused specific niche subjects. Remember that while you will not make a substantial revenue per book on these, you can offer a bigger volume of readers and utilize these as a method of bringing in individuals into the other things you do.

E-raamatute ettevõtte turundamine

There’s a dirty little trick in the conventional publishing world. Publishers generally do not actively market or promote the large bulk of the books they launch. Just those from developed, very popular authors get this attention.

Kuid, as an ebook business publisher, you’re going to delight in having this same control over your marketing and sales method. With all the choices readily available, you must have no problem discovering a way to get your book title( s) out into the world and get the attention of prospective readers.

I suggest a multichannel method– approach the marketing from numerous various angles. One certain channel is social networks. Take advantage of your Facebook page, Twitter, LinkedIn contacts, and more to get the word out. When the book is released, please post it on Facebook with a link back to your site with more info and a method to order, näiteks.

Kuid, it’s inadequate to send one statement. You need to develop buzz around your ebook. Motiveerige inimesi teavitama sõpru teie e-raamatute ärist ja pange sõna kuulda – postitage oma raamatuga seotud materjali. Tootma võistlusi. Tee kingitusi. Hankige oma turundusega kujutlusvõimet.

Samamoodi, peate oma raamatut oma ajaveebisaidil reklaamima, osalege veebifoorumites, mis on seotud teie raamatuga seotud teemaga, ja teavitada sellest üksikisikuid, ja kui teil on e-posti loend, reklaamige seda kindlasti ka seal.

Samuti võite kasutada oma e-raamatu tasuta peatükki. See meelitab lugejaid nii, et nad soovivad rohkem ja ostavad ülejäänud e-raamatu.

Saladus on olla ennetav oma turundustegevuses, et tekitada oma raamatu vastu pidevalt uudishimu ja huvi.

Samamoodi, Oletame, et pakute oma e-raamatuid Amazonis. Sellisel juhul, you can do paid advertisements straight on Amazon to promote your books to an extremely target market based upon keyword searches and particular items (like associated books).

Some Dos and Don’ts for a Successful Ebook

Earning money from ebooks isn’t automated. You can’t simply put anything in it and intend to revenue. It’s not an uphill struggle. Kuid, you need to follow some finest practices to make certain your ebook draws attention from readers and produces sales.

Ärge laske end üle koormata

Even if you’re composing a book does not suggest you need to stress. With a strategy in place, you can complete your work and put it on sale.

You require to produce an overview for the book to follow, set a schedule for when you’re going to compose (if it’s initial work) or when you’re going to deal with it, how you will market the book, and when each job requires to be done and set an objective publication date when it will be used on sale. It’s a matter of reserving time every day. You can’t simply deal with this when you “feel” like it … otherwise, it’ll never get done.

Valige teema, mida teate

You wish to compose with authority and self-confidence … and enthusiasm. It’s not a great concept to select a subject even if you believe it might be a best-seller. Pea meeles. You can constantly contract out the writing to a professional also.

Ärge muutke oma kirjutamist lilleliseks ja keeruliseks

Ensure all your text is simple to check out and comprehend. It’s much better to write conversationally and not in an academic way. Lots of specialists recommend that you need to compose at an eighth-grade writing level.

Ärge unustage oma e-raamatute ettevõtte korrektuurimist

Check for grammatical mistakes, misspellings, and so on. Ensure you have a relied-on buddy and even an expert proofreader to discuss your ebook before publication. There’s absolutely nothing even worse than launching a book loaded with mistakes– it does not influence self-confidence in your readers, can result in refunds and bad evaluations.

Looge oma e-raamatute ettevõttele professionaalne küljendus ja kaas

Even if you are self-publishing, does not imply you desire it to like an amateur did it? Work with a graphic designer on a website like Fiverr.com to develop an attractive cover based upon your instructions and input for very little cash. They can likewise set out the interior pages too. Even if your book is self-published does not indicate it needs to feel and look that way.

Astuge järgmine samm oma e-raamatute ettevõtte veebis müümiseks

So now you comprehend why offering ebooks can be such a money-maker, it’s time to start. Find out what kind of ebook you want to offer, where you’ll get the material, and after that, where you’re going to provide it with– and how you’ll market it online.

It’s an inexpensive, low-risk service chance that has a big advantage!

Categories: Earn online How to
MoneyEarns Editorial's: MoneyEarns is a platform where you can learn about online earning methods.

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