Télécharger Movietube Apk pour Android

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Movietube App Free Download

Only mad people don’t want to get freebies. Be logical and think for a second, if you are given an option to enjoy premium things like Movie streaming at HD level and video songs at free of cost, would not you accept it? MovieTube does the same exactly. It is not tagged with any price that means it’s available at absolutely no price! Forget to enjoy movies by paying the price to your TV channels operators and grab the phone instead.

Download the MovieTube app and install that on your Android phone or iPhone, that’s it. It caters movie on demand. Search the movies and start watching online anytime anywhere! Simply cool, isn’t it?

If you own a VR device then watching movies online through MovieTube gets an edge and let me tell you that this app streams high-quality videos and does not contain any advertisement! Plug the VR gear on your eyes and start enjoying the movie at unlimited pace!


Let’s have an inside look of this app and figure out the reasons why it’s so popular among the smartphone users and movie fanatics?

MovieTube App- Features

When we are talking about any app, we should consider the features of that app first because the longer feature list goes, the more popular it becomes. Nowadays users get very smart and they don’t want to keep two different apps for getting their job done, they look for a versatile app instead.

Let’s dig out the features of the MovieTube app and see whether it has any out of the class feature or not?

Free Movie Streaming: This is the hitting point of any movie streaming app. It offers free streaming of thousands of movies. The qualities of the videos are really impressive, and you don’t have to search and download movies using your TV box. No one of our generation just can’t deny the fact that we always look for a better deal for our desired product.

Lifetime Free Membership: All the registered users can enjoy movies at free of cost without any price for the lifetime. Like some instant messaging apps, it opted the “free and always will be” policy.

Smart search options and filters: There are a lot of search options for you. Using the filters, you can sort the movies of your interest. Filters usually come according to the genre, artists, and name. Pick the movie you want to enjoy and tap to start immediately.

See Later Option: You can sort the movies and save those for later. By this way, you can save all the favorite movies for future.

Watch all TV series: If you are a fan of TV series then MovieTube has an option for you where you can enjoy any episode of Selected popular TV series. Directly land on to the episode and enjoy uninterrupted streaming with the highest video quality.

Movies from many languages: Let me clear a point that MovieTube does not contain English movie only, it has a wide array of collection of movies in German, Russian, Korean, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Cantonese, Arabic, Thai, Hindi, Tamil, Filipino, Malay, French, Portuguese, and Italian.

Movie info: I have personally tested many apps of free movie streaming but found some unique features in it. Movie info is one of these. When you tap on a movie, it will open a page where a short info about the movie is given. For a beginner, it’s absolutely a boon. If you are looking for a movie and are going through the same kind of movies, then this feature helps you a lot to select movies on the go.

télécharger Movietube pour Android

Stream Movie without registration: Anyone can stream the movie online without being a registered user. It makes the user experience better.

Have a look at these points, and these are the mutilated attraction list of the MovieTube app.

  • Free HD movie streaming at free of cost.
  • The big thumbnail shows the image of the movie and the short description provides the initial overview of the movie.
  • You can share the info on a movie and download link using various social networks. There are built-in options for this.
  • You can read verified comments and rating of a movie before downloading that.
  • You can select one from various video options to stream online.

Download Movie Tube Apk File

You can’t find this app in the official app store like Google Play store and iTunes.

Then, what should we do?

There are a lot of unofficial links for downloading MovieTube app. But all of those are not trustworthy enough to hit the “Download link”. You need a malware free .apk that works like a charm. Otherwise, tous vos enthousiasmes vont frapper contre le mur et, finalement, vous allez finir par l'installation d'un mauvais fichier qui peut vous causer d'énormes dégâts.

Télécharger App MovieTube ici.

Télécharger Movietube

Installez facilement MovieTube App- Guide étape par étape

Voici le guide étape par étape pour le téléchargement de l'application MovieTube qui offre non seulement de films à la demande, mais offre également des recherches intelligentes et centre de tri.

  • Allez à l'option « Paramètres » et laisser « source inconnue » d'installer une application.
  • Cliquez sur l'application .apk et appuyez sur cette. Il va commencer l'installation de l'application automatiquement dans une seconde.
  • Aucune autre autorisation spéciale est nécessaire.
  • Une fois l'installation terminée, vous êtes prêt à lancer l'application de film gratuit.

Note du streaming vidéo gratuit App- MovieTube

Tout d'abord, we need to know the app better to understand the functionalities and to judge whether the app is useful enough to rate with the highest star.

The rate of Features: If we take the features and functionalities in the account, this app can be rated enough to get 4.5 or higher points out of 5.

The rate on user friendless: In the case of user friendliness, it scores high enough. It protects your privacy and does not the registration compulsory for accessing the contents.

Rate on content: It has a huge digital library. You can find almost all popular movies here. Search anything and get everything here. With content, it scores 4 out of 5.

app Movietube pour Android

Some frequently asked questions of MovieTube

  • Is this app safe to use?

Yes. MovieTube is safe and secure to use. Google Safe Browsing extension found it safe to use.

  • Where to download the app from?

There are a lot of sources for this, but we recommend the safe place like the link given above. Don’t click on the random download links given on various websites. You better add the extension to check whether a link contains malware or not.

  • Why doesn’t it require registration to access the contents?

To make you feel safe, this app does not require users to get registered to get the content accessible.

  • Norton antivirus disconnects the transmission- why?

Users have found many problems especially who have Norton installed in their system. A system conflict has been experienced with the Norton while trying to run the MovieTube app.

Movietube 4.4.3 Télécharger pour Android

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My love for the charging Battery Cases is very high. Surprisingly, Galaxy S6 charging battery cases are favorite for many. It will fill the gap of both personal and business requirement.

Various people do not know about such a good stuff. I will tell you today about the list of charging battery cases, which has a good use in day-to-day lives.

All Deals on Galaxy S6 Battery Cases

Best Samsung Galaxy S6/Edge charging Battery Cases

UNU Unity Samsung Galaxy S6 2800 mAh charging Battery Case

I always wish I could have more battery backup of my phone. This is so exciting that if your phone battery life will double. S6 has a 2800mAh battery and this case has a same strength.

If you get spare 10 hours for your talking then nothing can be better than this. You get more privilege and you can go anywhere tension free.

Every stuff has a good aspect and bad aspect. Before buying goes through the pros and cons so that, you will have more knowledge to categories from lot of option.


  • Accessible to all jacks and ports and you can get extra power.
  • UNU battery case is lightweight and is eligible for rapid charging.
  • Brand is fine.


  • No variety of color and this battery case is little expensive.
  • Its strength is limited.

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Samsung Wireless Charging Cover

Image result for Samsung Wireless Charging CoverSamsung Wireless charging cover is a good option for making your phone more sustainable. It allows you to charge your S6 more than the time you expected.


  • Its attractive slim design is so moving and the most amazing thing is that same company is producing it that created the phone.
  • It is easy to install and there is no need to hunt for a charging cable.
  • S6 is a water resistant.


  • The cover of back is available in limited colors like white or black.
  • The included cost of charging cover and charging station is bit high.
  • You require to buy Qi chargers for the home, office and car.

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Hyperion Samsung Galaxy S6 6500 mAh MicroPack Technology Extended battery with NFC/Google Wallet Capability and Back cover

Image result for Samsung Wireless caseThe S6 battery case is designed to boost the performance of the device. The Hyperian battery case is amazingly good as it has a similar charging technology, which you generally find in hybrid cars.


  • Three-year warranty with good strength of battery backup.
  • Compared to the OEM battery it has a good performance, which is upto 150%.
  • It has a microchip, which is good in preventing overcharging.


  • It is not water-resistant and having limited color option.
  • It is not tuned with S6 zoom and S6 Active.

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BUDDIBOX Samsung Galaxy S6 charging Battery Case

BUDDIBOX carries lot of amazing features. The case is little rugged and it has a nice and perfect profile. LED indicators enhance its function and make it so easy to view the level.


  • LED is superb.
  • Accessible to ports and jacks.
  • This case is thick and having built-in kickstand with great resistance effect.


  • Available in general color like white and black.
  • It does not have water resistance quality.
  • Kickstand is a slim and frail.

Buy on Amazon

NewNow Samsung Galaxy S6 3200mAh Extended charging Battery Case

Image result for NewNow Samsung Galaxy S6 3200mAh Extended Battery CaseThis battery case is ergonomic while carrying in hand. It has a great curve with complete package for Galaxy S6.

It works so well and fit is accurate. This case leaves great impact on users mind. Your smartphone loves to remain in this case for long.


  • It is not very expensive as compared to other battery cases.
  • It is easy to install.
  • Minor drop cannot harm your phone as it is rolled with good protection.
  • Its flip cover protects the screen largely.
  • Built-in kickstand.


  • It is not very known brand.
  • It is available in two colors that are bright and blue.
  • At the stage of four LED, indicators show its level of power.
  • It takes long hour of five to recharge the case.
  • Kickstand is easily breakable as it is bit frail.

Buy on Amazon

I have above outlined the usability of the battery case perfectly. I hope that you will see it and accept it with open arms. Samsung Galaxy S6/Edge is so expensive and the battery case is worth investment for such a great handset.

What you think about my list of battery cases of Galaxy S6? Specify via comment

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HOT VPN est la sécurité le plus fiable, plate-forme de la vie privée et l'accès à la performance supérieure de la vitesse, la stabilité et la sécurité.

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Autorisations VPN Hot App:

VPN Hot proxy gratuit débloquer apk nécessite des autorisations suivantes sur votre téléphone Android.

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App Informations:

Taille apk 4.5MB
Dernière mise à jour 2017-12-19
App Télécharger Version 3.3.5
Note du contenu Toutes les personnes
Catégorie App Outils gratuits
App package free.unblock.pro.hotvpn
Version Android support Android 14 et ci-dessus
App par HotVPN équipe
Quoi de neuf -Ajout de plusieurs serveurs VPN
– Améliorer la vitesse et la stabilité de la connexion
– interface utilisateur optimisée

Pour la politique raison, ce service n'est pas disponible en Chine continentale en Chine. Nous nous excusons pour tout désagrément qui aurait pu être causé.

Captures d'écran:

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Genzai Anime Prime Apk Télécharger

Crunchyroll Everything Anime Premium app APK

Download crunchyroll premium apk which is your destination to stream over 25,000 episodes and 15,000 hours of latest and hottest Anime premium 1-hour after TV broadcast! Enjoy the current season and catch up on classic episodes of your favorite shows like Naruto Shippuden, Dragon Ball Super, Bleach, Hunter X Hunter, Attack on Titan, One Piece, and many more.

Features of Crunchyroll Anime Premium APK Mod:

  • Watch over 25000 free high-quality episodes without ads.
  • Watch the latest episodes an hour after releasing in Japan.
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  • Chromecast integration.
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  • Join the Crunchyroll premium community and comment on it with everyone in the world.
  • Watch on devices like PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Apple TV, Roku.
  • Localization of user interface.
  • Massive content stores, broken down by category.
  • Simple user interface.
  • Interface languages: English, Bokmal, Norwegian, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Czech, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Simplified Chinese, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Romania, Russia, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Portugal, Traditional Chinese, Turkish.

Crunchyroll – Everything Anime licenses all its content directly and legally to bring you the best and most recent shows from Asia and support the content creators of hit series including Hunter X Hunter, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Blue Exorcist, Bleach, Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist, Sailor Moon, Yuri!!! On ICE, Samurai Champloo, and many more!

Crunchyroll Additional information:

Interactive Elements: Digital Purchases Offered By : Ellation, Inc.Developer:
Email: [email protected]
Politique de confidentialité
Ellation Inc., 835 Market St Suite 700, San Francisco, CA 94103
Size: Varies with device Requires Android: {4.1 and up}
Supported Android Version:-
Jelly Bean(4.1–4.3.1), KitKat (4.4–4.4.4), Lollipop (5.0–5.0.2) ,Marshmallow (6.0 - 6.0.1)
Note du contenu: Rated for 12+
Parental Guidance Recommended

How to Install Crunchyroll Apk?

  1. Download and Install Crunchyroll APK From The Links Given Below
  2. Done, Enjoy

Captures d'écran:

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Busybox Pro Free APK Download for Android Latest Version


Download Busybox pro free APK for android.Busyboz is the latest fastest and most trusted installer available in playstore.This is the only ad free and requires no internet permission installer.Leave Busybox Pro installed if you always want to get the latest version of busybox!

The fastest, most trusted and No.1 BusyBox installer and uninstaller.If you want to experience the true magic of a rooted phone, BusyBox Pro is a must have. With over 20 million installations and over 100,000 5-star ratings, BusyBox is a unique software application that provides many standard Unix tools.BusyBox Pro – the fastest, most reliable, and # 1 BusyBox installer and uninstaller!

Known as the ‘The Swiss Army Knife of Embedded Linux’ BusyBox is designed to be executable for use with the Linux kernel, which makes it ideal for embedded devices.

Winner of the best Utility Software award for Android via Handster, BusyBox can also boast of a special mention in the new XDA-Developers book XDA Developers, Android Hacker’s Toolkit: The Complete Guide to Rooting, ROMs and Theming.The source for this application can be found here: https://code.google.com/p/busybox-android/

Root required for this application!The fastest, most trusted, and #1 BusyBox installer and uninstaller! Over 6 million installs and over 20,000 5 Star ratings!Mentioned in the new XDA-Developers book “XDA Developers’ Android Hacker’s Toolkit: The Complete Guide to Rooting, ROMs and Theming”Winner of best Utility Software award for Android via Handster.This application is to install BusyBox on most devices with its subsequent update to the latest version. Busybox is essentially a set of Linux utilities console systems. Need an example, for app2sd or programs for overclocking or anything like that requires the connection of third-party kernel modules. Most custom firmware it has already built. .This is the only installer that is ad free and requires no internet permission!The only installer that will install ANY Busybox binary available for Android.you find it on the web and this will install it!This installer has the smallest Busybox binaries available, right around 800kb unlike the other installers which are over a meg.Pro version contains no ads or nag screens, Backup feature (for safer installs), uninstall feature, Advance Smart install feature, the ability to hand pick the applets you want, safety check for missing applets on start, and better overall support. The pro version will receive more frequent updates than the free version will.


Busybox Pro App Features:

Pro version contains no ads or nag screens, uninstall feature, Advance Smart install feature, the ability to hand pick the applets you want, safety check for missing applets on start, and better overall support. The pro version will receive more frequent updates than the free version will.

App Info, Requirements And Permissions:

  • App name : BusyBox Pro
  • Package Name : stericson.busybox.donate
  • Version Name & Code: 61
  • read the contents of your USB storage
  • modify or delete the contents of your USB storage
  • read the contents of your USB storage
  • modify or delete the contents of your USB storage
  • Requirements: 3.0 and up
  • Developer: Stephen (Stericson)
  • Taille apk : 3.51 MB
  • Developer

FAQ on the program includes:

  • How to use this program to overclock the processor?

Nothing. Busybox is needed for some programs that perform overclocking. Questions to disperse ask in the topic of your machine.

  • How do I know whether the Busybox installed and which version?

Install Android Terminal Emulator, write it busybox, if installed, the version will be written and will brief summary of commands.



Fixes (Again) install issues with many devices. Seems my last update, while fixing install issues for some devices broke install for others. Hopefully this one resolves all install issues.

Captures d'écran:

busybox screenshots


Previous Versions:

  • 12/17/2017: BusyBox Pro 61
  • 09/24/2017: BusyBox Pro 59
  • 08/08/2017: BusyBox Pro 57
  • 06/21/2017: BusyBox Pro 56
  • 06/21/2017: BusyBox Pro 55
  • 02/06/2017: BusyBox Pro 54
  • 12/19/2016: BusyBox Pro 53
  • 10/13/2016: BusyBox Pro 51
  • 07/11/2016: BusyBox Pro 50
  • 06/14/2016: BusyBox Pro 42
  • 04/30/2016: BusyBox Pro 36
  • 02/16/2016: BusyBox Pro 35
  • 03/07/2015: BusyBox Pro 27
  • 01/20/2015: BusyBox Pro 23
  • 12/03/2014: BusyBox Pro 19
  • 07/02/2014: BusyBox Pro 14
  • 04/21/2014: BusyBox Pro 13
  • 02/26/2014: BusyBox Pro 11
  • 01/04/2014: BusyBox Pro 10.5
  • 10/15/2013: BusyBox Pro 10.4
  • 09/26/2013: BusyBox Pro 10.3
  • 09/24/2013: BusyBox Pro 10.2
  • 09/20/2013: BusyBox Pro 10.1
  • 09/19/2013: BusyBox Pro 10.0
  • 08/15/2013: BusyBox Pro 9.9
  • 08/01/2013: BusyBox Pro 9.8
  • 07/31/2013: BusyBox Pro 9.7.7
  • 07/22/2013: BusyBox Pro 9.7.6
  • 07/22/2013: BusyBox Pro 9.7.5
  • 07/20/2013: BusyBox Pro 9.7.4
  • 05/27/2013: BusyBox Pro 9.7.3
  • 02/28/2013: BusyBox Pro 9.7.2
  • 01/28/2013: BusyBox Pro 9.7.1
  • 01/27/2013: BusyBox Pro 9.7
  • 12/23/2012: BusyBox Pro 9.6.7
  • 10/27/2012: BusyBox Pro 9.6.5
  • 09/21/2012: BusyBox Pro 9.6.3
  • 09/19/2012: BusyBox Pro 9.6.2
  • 09/18/2012: BusyBox Pro 9.6.1
  • 09/17/2012: BusyBox Pro 9.6
  • 08/29/2012: BusyBox Pro 9.5
  • 08/18/2012: BusyBox Pro 9.4
  • 01/20/2014: Google Play Version

Meilleur Télécharger Amazon App Souterrain Apk Dernière version 2020

amazon underground app

Télécharger Amazon Underground App APK l'App Store officiel d'Amazon pour les meilleures offres et applications.Amazon Underground est la nouvelle application officielle pour Amazon Appstore. Just like the last version, it gives you chance to download thousands of Android applications.

Il vous aide également à découvrir des offres spéciales et des applications gratuites pendant une période limitée.. L'application n'est pas compliquée à utiliser pour le nouvel utilisateur, mais elle n'est toujours pas parfaite, l'apparence de l'application n'est toujours pas si bonne. The drop-down menu on the left side of the app gives you quick access to all of Amazon’s sections. However, this seems counterproductive because there are so many sections, it’s nearly distracting. In addition to Amazon Underground apps, you can also able to find washing machines, televisions, books, video game consoles, Accessories and so on.

Amazone L'application souterraine peut être considérée comme une alternative intéressante à Google Play que vous pouvez utiliser pour télécharger tous les types d'applications disponibles dans Google Play Store. The best part about Amazon underground is all the paid versions of apps that are offered for free for limited time.

 Télécharger amazone apk souterrain

Device Requirements for Amazon Underground App & Permissions:

The application requires the permissions listed below to work. We have given a specific explanation of how the application utilizes each permission so that our customers can be sure that we are using them in their interests, to enhance the user experience:

  • Requires Android OS 4.03 or higher with the rear facing camera.
  • Read Contacts permission is used to give the user access to their phone contacts from the application for the purposes of sending Amazon gift vouchers.
  • SMS authorization is used to simplify the signup process for special features such as Mobile Carrier Billing and Amazon Mobile Accounts that require phone number verification.
  • Camera permission is used to enable the Scan It feature, which helps the customers to perform product search easily by scanning a barcode or pointing their camera at a product they are interested in.
  • Microphone permission is used to enable the voice search and voice assistant features, and the microphone is turned off when these features are not in use to save the battery life.
  • Location permission is required to enable a convenience store delivery service offered by Amazon in France and Japan only.
  • Phone status permission is used to support notifications in China.
  • Storage permission help to enable the downloading of 3rd party applications from the Amazon Underground App to device storage.

Features of Amazon Underground:

  • The Amazon Underground application includes upgraded features that aren’t available on the Amazon Shopping app found on Google Play store.
  • Shop millions of items including movies, TV shows, songs, books, apps, games, audio books and so on.
  • Get over $10,000 in applications, games and even in-app items that are actually free (available in the United States, Germany, United Kingdom, and France).
  • Stream Amazon Instant Video movies and TV episodes through Amazon Instant Video player.
  • Quickly search, read reviews on millions and get product details instantly.
  • Find products, compare prices and read reviews instantly by scanning a barcode and using your phone camera.
  • Track your orders and get notifications on the latest deals.
  • Instantly scan your Amazon gift cards and use them on your Amazon account using the camera of your phone.
  • Tap the microphone icon and say “track my last order” or “track order” or “where is my camera?” to see your latest open orders. Reorder items quickly by saying “buy more batteries” or”reorder paper towels” (limited to the US only)
  • Buy with confidence, knowing that all your transactions are securely processed by Amazon.

Amazon Underground App file information:

Package name: com.amazon.mShop.android
Operating System: Android
Price: Free
Catégorie: Free Shopping APP
Developer: Amazon Mobile LLC
Version: (1241090010)
File size: 48.4 MB
Updated: October 10, 2017
Minimum Android version: Android 4.1 and up (Jelly Bean, API 16)
MD5: fae150e859ebb387169931907f33229a
SHA1: 0a39f5d437c7ba8d4694eec46124ffe2fbaddfed

Pro & Cons of Amazon Underground App:

below is the list some pro and cons of this app.


  • Unlimited choice of download.
  • Generates profits.


  • Need further development.
  • Complicated process of submission.

Screenshots of Amazon Underground App:

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Best Telenor 3g Night Packages Unlimited For Fastest Internet


Find best Telenor 3G night Packages with unlimited data. Check All night packages & see how to subscribe these bundles.Telenor is one of the best telecom company in Pakistan. Telenor is the second best company in Pakistan who has about 36 million active users in Pakistan. It is an international company and it is also offering 3G services with amazing packages nationwide.

Telenor 3G night Packages unlimited with Bundle and Offers

3G Internet packages are best application for the user. You can use it on your computer as well as on mobile devices to browse unlimited online.
Telenor night internet packages are as follow

Package NameData limitPackage costSubscription codeDuration
RAAT DIN (Day Night) OFFER Unlimited1.5 GBRs. 14 incl. Tax*150#12 Hours from 12 AM - 12 PM
Telenor late night package400 MBRs 4.75 + Tax*345*907#8 hours (from 1 AM till 9 PM).
Telenor djuice internetillimité RS 1.5/Mb + Subscription charges (Rs 1)*915#all day

Telenor late night package:

Telenor’s late night package is for talkshawk customers
Data Limit: 400 MB
How to activate the package:
Dail *345*907# for package activation
Cost of Package:

This package cost Rs 4.75 inclusive of tax.
Data limit for night package:
You can use 400 MB data only. Dial *999# to check the remaining internet volume cost per check is Rs.0.24 Incl. The tax will be deducted per attempt.
How to avail this package free:
you can also avail this package free by subscribing to Telenor talkshawk.
The validity of this package:
the time duration for this package is 8 hours (from 1 AM till 9 PM).

RAAT DIN (Day Night) OFFER internet package unlimited:

Meilleures offres de nuit Telenor 3g illimitéesTelenor brings you the best 3G/4G package with faster speed and a crazy amount of data to keep you going for hours.
volume Limit:

1.5 GB
Package cost:

This Package cost you Rs. 14 incl. Tax
Valid Duration for this package:

The offer is valid for only one night for 12 Hours from 12 AM – 12 PM
How to activate this package:

How to check remaining internet Volume:

Dial *999# to check the remaining internet volume.
Offer Eligibility:
All djuice and Telenor customers are eligible for this package.

RAAT DIN internet package Terms and Conditions:

  • Prices are inclusive of relevant taxes (if any).
  • Default rate data usage without subscribing to this bundles will be charged at Rs12/MB on 3G/4G.
  • Default data rate usage without subscribing to this bundles will be charged at Rs21.5/MB on 2G.
  • After Rs60 of daily charging on default data rate 2G/3G/4G, further, usage will be completely free for the rest of the day (Fair Usage Policy of 750MB).
  • 4G bundles will work both on 3G /2G.
  • Resubscription on this bundle is allowed.
  • In case of out of window resubscription (i.e. noon till midnight), remaining quota will be added and maximum validity will apply.

Telenor djuice night internet offer:

You can use the internet for just Rs. 1.5/Mb in a day.
How to activate this package:

Its activation code is *915#.
Cost of Package:

this package cost you Rs. 1.5/Mb and its subscription charges are only 1 rupee.

1.5 Meilleures offres de nuit Telenor 3g illimitées

Telenor offers not just good 3g packages but also the good speed to its customers. All the Telenor users can experience the fastest internet to enjoy their time. Because Telenor has improved its performance as a 3g/4g services provider and now the company is working for more improvement. You can find the variety of Day/Night packages depending on your choice. There are no hidden charges in these packages. These packages can be activated on Djuice and TalkShawk. So you can easily experience the best speed without getting any trouble. Because the quality of internet will make you feel relax and you will enjoy browsing or download along with Telenor.

Get cash For paid Survey at Home online

Get cash For paid Survey at Home online

Many people become interested to Get cash for paid survey at home when they first heard about it. It is something that most people can do. It wouldn’t consume a lot of time. A paid survey usually can be done within 5-30 minutes.

Paid survey generally is a set of questions about a product or service where the survey participants will answer all the questions to have the survey completed and get paid. The participants need not to write their own answers. Each of the questions in the online survey will have 4 à 5 answers pre-set. The participants will only need to pick an answer that they feel most appropriate for each question.

How to participate in paid survey at home online?

There are over 400 market research companies and survey panels conducting survey online. Every time when these research companies have prepared a paid survey, they will inform their list of members via email. The members will then open the email and click on the link to the online survey pages to complete the survey.

To receive and participate in online paid survey, you need to first become a member of a market research company. You can join as a member of the research company by filling out an online registration form in the website of the company. New member registration in most of the market research company websites is usually free and opening to everyone.

How many market research companies should you join?

The general idea of making the most out of paid survey is to join as many market research companies as possible. Since a paid survey usually offers only $2 à $5 to the participants, if you want to earn a nice amount of extra cash every month, you must receive and complete quite a number of paid surveys. So by becoming a member of many research companies, you can potentially get a lot of survey emails every month and earn a nice extra monthly income constantly.

Where to find the websites to get cash for surveys?

There are a number of services that provide a list of the market research companies where you can visit the website of each research companies and sign up to become a member. These services often charge between $20 and $50 to people who want to get access to their list. But the good news is that you don’t have to pay to any of these services to get access to the list of market research website urls.

There are information websites that provide the lists of market research companies free of charge. Getpaidsurveys.com is one of them that provides this free service. The site compiled a list of top 10 market research companies and lists of other research companies. The top 10 companies were ranked based on users’ votes and reviews. They are the companies that offer out most paid survey opportunities. So make sure you join the top 10.

Another site that provides free list of market research companies is http://www.yellowsurveys.com.

Make a living with paid survey, is it possible?

Completing paid survey isn’t really a way that you can make thousands of dollars. You shouldn’t count on it for a living. But if you are looking for earning some extra bucks, then paid survey is an opportunity you can consider.

Do you have to sit in front of your computer whole day to wait for the survey to come?

No you don’t. Most paid surveys will open for at least 36 hours. So you can just take about half to an hour daily to check your mail to see if any survey has sent to you. If you receive a survey email, you can go ahead and open the email to complete the paid survey.


Paid survey is certainly a legitimate opportunity that you can participate but it can only be a source of your part-time income. How much you’ll earn each month will depend on how many online surveys you are getting in that month. Sometimes if you are lucky you might get some free electronic products upon completing surveys.

What you have to make sure is that your profile in each paid survey websites should be updated. This will maximize your chances of getting surveys. And remember, take some time daily to check your inbox to see if there is any new survey arrived.