Sæktu Hot VPN APK nýjustu útgáfuna 2018

    Download HOT VPN Free Unblock Proxy Apk. HOT VPN is the fastest, the most smooth free VPN and easier to use.It is the best android app for Unblocking websites, Wi-Fi Security and Privacy Protection.

    100% ótakmarkað, No registrations, login, No session, speed or bandwidth limitations and restrictions.


    HOT VPN is the most trusted security, privacy and access platform with top performance on speed, stability and security.

    HOT VPN gives you true online freedom and protection – by bypassing geo restrictions and accessing world’s content from anywhere anytime, with just one click.

    Install HOT VPN- Free・Unblock・Proxy for the following features:

    Unblocked Websites and Android apps:

    • Bypass and Unblock websites or social media websites with free VPN proxy server.
    • Bypass the firewalls as school VPN proxy.
    • Bypass geo-restrictions, internet filters and censorship while you’re at work or school.
      Enjoy multiple best proxy server to bypass blocked website and android apps.Just hop on HOT VPN and get instant access to social websites, messaging android apps, and media content that may be restricted in your country or region.
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    Anonymous Connection and Protect your Privacy:

    • Protect your network traffic and internet under public Wi-Fi hotspot browse anonymously and securely without being tracked.
    • Encrypts data using OpenVPN protocols (UDP / TCP).
    • Protect data privacy, personal information security and internet security while HOT VPN is on.

    High-speed Vpn:

    • It detects your location automatically and connects you to the nearest and fastest server. As a result, your connection will be much faster than any other VPN or proxy app providers.
    • Thousands of servers being provided for you to make sure super fast speed.
    LESIР Frábær listi yfir Samsung Galaxy S6 hleðsluhylki

    Be More Secure Online:

    • Hide your IP address, identity, and location from trackers, and enjoy maximum privacy and security while being onlines.

    Easy to use App:

    • No username, No password, No registration required.
    • One touch to connect to VPN proxy server.
    • No credit card required.

    Hot VPN App Permissions:

    Hot VPN Free unblock proxy apk requires following permissions on your android phone.

    • access information about you phone networks.
    • open network sockets in your phone.
    • access to write in external storage.
    • read only access to your phone state.
    • mount & unmount file systems for removable storage.
    • access information about connected Wi-Fi networks.
    • prevent processor from sleeping or screen from dimming.
    • list of accounts in the Accounts Service.
    • read the low-level system log files in your phone.
    • access to the vibrator.
    • access to read from external storage.
    • read the low-level system log files.
    LESIР 10 Ráð til að hefja netviðskipti án fjárfestingar

    Upplýsingar um forrit:

    Apk stærð 4.5MB
    Síðast uppfært 2017-12-19
    App niðurhal útgáfa 3.3.5
    Efniseinkunn Allir
    Flokkur Ókeypis verkfæri app
    App pakki free.unblock.pro.hotvpn
    Styðja Android útgáfu Android 14 og ofar
    App frá HotVPN Team
    What’s new -Added more VPN servers
    Improve speed and stability of connection
    Optimized UI

    For policy reason, this service is not available in Mainland in China. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.


    hot vpn apk