how to deal with difficult clients
cara ngatasi klien sing angel

Ngatasi klien sing angel kanthi profesional

Ngerti nalika kanggo Cut losses lan lumaku adoh. Sawetara pamilik bisnis durung siyap kanggo media sosial utawa duwe masalah kontrol. Yen dheweke ora ngidini sampeyan nindakake tugas sampeyan, ayo padha lunga. Aja nganti dheweke meksa sampeyan gagal. Nalika masalah sing nggawe klien angel bisa beda-beda, klien masalah umume dadi salah siji saka telung klompok:

1. Cara Ngatasi Klien sing Ora Tanggap

Klien jinis iki ora mangsuli pitakon utawa menehi saran sing dijaluk. Nglampahi jam nyoba kanggo njaluk wong nanggapi bisa dadi wektu nyedhot. An unresponsive client is not only hampering their progress in making advances in their social media efforts; they are wasting your time as well.

What often happens with this kind of client is that they wind up asking, “Is that all you got you done?” They don’t stop considering the time and opportunity lost waiting for feedback or the amount of time wasted trying to get that feedback to move forward.

The best way to deal with an unresponsive client is to firmly but nicely let them know at each step that you cannot move forward without timely communication. Delays in getting back to you will cause delays in their project and limit your ability to help them.

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2. Carane Ngatasi Klien Ngontrol

This type of client demands to see every single Tweet ahead of time, doesn’t trust you and sabotages best practices. They tend to think every action made on their social media accounts is a “make or break” activity, and obsess over knowing and approving even the very smallest actions being taken.

What often happens with this kind of client is that they only turn over or authorize activity on some of their social networks making coordinated posting efforts nearly impossible, or nitpick at every single thing you do. You spend so much time waiting for approval and making insignificant tweaks that you get almost nothing done and what is done is rarely as effective as it could be.

Cara paling apik kanggo ngatasi klien sing ngontrol yaiku nerangake manawa dheweke ora bisa nindakake tugas sing sampeyan lakoni - lan yen dheweke ora ngrungokake., banjur lumaku. Klien iki uga bakal dadi sing pertama nyalahake sampeyan yen kampanye media sosial ora sukses.

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3. Cara Ngatasi "Terus Kerja, Aku bakal mbayar sampeyan Pungkasane" Klien.

Klien jinis iki kudu dadi mantan klien sawise narik pamindhahan iki sanajan sepisan. Masalah karo klien kaya iki ora mung sampeyan ora diwenehi ganti rugi ing wektu - sampeyan ora bakal dibayar. Ana pangecualian kanggo saben aturan, nanging sing kerep kedaden iku ora ketompo carane apik proyek sampeyan nindakake, padha bakal nemokake sawetara alesan kanggo rationalize ora mbayar sampeyan ing kabeh.

Sing asring kedadeyan karo klien kaya iki yaiku mbayar kanthi tepat nalika sepisanan, and then each subsequent billing cycle, they get later and later. If you keep working for them, you tell them that this type of behavior is OK, and they will keep taking advantage of you and eventually “forget” to pay you at all.

The best way to deal with a non-working client is to make it clear when payment is expected (such as the 1st of every month) in your contract. If they miss the due date, send them a polite message that implies they may have forgotten to take care of your invoice (giving them away to save face).

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If payment is not delivered promptly, stop all efforts and send a follow-up email stating that you have stopped working until you hear back from them and that work will resume swiftly on receipt of payment.

4. Cara Ngatasi Klien lan Strategi sing Sulit kanggo Mecat

Sing nggawe masalah klien angel yaiku sampeyan ora ngerti yen hubungan bakal saya apik. Nanging, nalika sampeyan kudu lumaku adoh - aggravation ora worth apa sing njupuk mbayar.

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Nalika sampeyan ngilangi hubungan karo klien, priksa manawa dheweke duwe akses lengkap menyang akun sing wis sampeyan atur (assuming lagi up-to-date ing pembayaran) lan nyedhiyakake laporan pungkasan kanthi rinci babagan apa sing wis rampung kanggo dheweke. Pesthekake kanggo nyebutake manawa alasan ngeculake klien sampeyan yaiku sampeyan ora bisa nyukupi kabutuhan amarga gagal (isinen ning nggon kosong).

Tetep profesional lan dokumen masalah karo klien masalah. Yen dheweke nyerang sampeyan kanthi online utawa dipeksa ngupayakake tagihan sing ora dibayar, sampeyan bakal pengin cathetan saka karya rampung lan masalah klien.


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