아마추어 외과 의사 3 안드로이드 APK를 들어 게임 다운로드


아마추어 외과 의사 3 구글 플레이 스토어로 볼 수 있습니다 게임은 이제 below.App도 게임의 중요한 기능 중 일부에 대해 논의 제대로 below.We 언급되어 장치에서 작동하는 일부 권한을 요구 여기에 철저한 다운로드 링크에서 APK 파일을 다운로드 할 수 있습니다. 이 APK 같은 것입니다 희망.

아마추어 외과 의사 3 또한 다음과 같은 글 머리 기호를 제공합니다!

• 이상 20 이상 - 더 - 상단 수술에 6 포함 이국적인 위치:
• 방사성 박쥐!
• 적합하지 범죄자!
• 가능성이-식인종!
• 변이 된 이교도!
• 트랜스 젠더 로봇!
• 전체, 부적절한 유머 저렴한 개그와 멋진 이야기!
당신의 도구 • 완벽하게 사용자 정의 업그레이드!
• 8 기괴한 특별한 능력을 가진 다채로운 태그 팀 수술 파트너!
• 유 전적으로 강화 된 퍼그는 미스터 내장라고!
여러 가족 / 친구들과 공유 할 슬롯을 저장!
무료 다운로드

앱 권한 필수:

아마추어 외과 의사 3 1.43 APK는 당신의 안드로이드 장치에 다음과 같은 권한이 필요합니다.

  • 응용 프로그램은 장치의 외부 저장 장치에 기록 할 수 있도록 허용.
  • 이 응용 프로그램은 네트워크 소켓을 열 수 있습니다.
  • 외부 저장 장치로부터 읽을 수 있도록 응용.
  • 디밍에서 수면 또는 화면에서 프로세서를 유지하기 위해 PowerManager WakeLocks를 사용 할 수 있습니다.
  • 응용 프로그램에서 Wi-Fi 네트워크에 대한 정보에 액세스 할 수 있습니다.
  • 응용 프로그램은 네트워크에 대한 정보에 액세스 할 수 있습니다.
  • 이 상수는 API 수준에서 사용되지 않습니다 21. 더 이상 적용되지.
  • 휴대 전화 상태 읽기 전용 액세스를 할 수 있습니다, 장치의 전화 번호를 포함, 현재 셀룰러 네트워크 정보, 진행중인 통화의 상태, 및 전화 계정의 목록은 장치에 등록.
어플 정보
App Download Version 1.43
Apk Size N / A
Last Updated 11월. 9, 2015
Category 무료 시뮬레이션 앱
App by [성인 수영] 계략
Content Rating 평가 없음
App Package com.turner.amateursurgeon3
Support Android Version Android 10 and above

지구 모 APK 다운로드에 마지막 날 1.7.12 번역


지구에서 마지막 날지구 생존의 마지막 날 최신 버전을 다운로드 1.7.10. 안드로이드 스토어에서 가장 인기있는 온라인 멀티 플레이어 온라인 게임 중 하나, 있는 플레이어는 매우 위험하고 신랄한 장소에서 게임의 처음부터 도착,캠프를 만들, 생존자를 찾아, 거의 전 세계에 사로 잡혀 가까운 좀비를하게하지 않으려 고. 인류의 나머지는 땅에 내려 강제로, 순서가 아닌 먹을 수 또는 방사선의 피해자가 될, 하지만 여전히 소모품을 찾기 위해 표면에 상승하는 것이 필요하다. 이 게임은 흥미로운 작업의 우수한 많이 가지고, 그래픽과 작은 퀘스트의 거대한 숫자.

지구상의 마지막 날은 좀비 게임이다, 모든 생존자가 오래 같이 살아 남기 즉 하나 개의 목표에 의해 구동되는 경우로서 당신은 할 수. 사랑을 위해 남아있는 곳이 없다, 우정과 연민. 좀비가 올 때 당신은 자신과 총 만 신뢰할 수있는.

생존을위한 방향:

쉼터 제조!

죽은 공격과 다른 생존자를 산책에서 생명과 재산을 보호하기 위해 효과적인 안전 가옥 제조. 예술과 장소 트랩은 인질을 가지고 당신에게서 복용 애도 그들에 영향을.

공포하는 충동과 공예 저항!

당신의 적성을 강화하고 좀비 워커과 특유의 플레이어에 대한 치명적인 무기의 상당한 측정을. 떨어져 머리를 쿵!

사방에 적!

당신은 당신의 자산을하고자하는 좀비와 다양한 선수들에 대한 다른 사람들로부터 분리된다. 압도이 무자비한 디스토피아 세계를 제어. 체이스 또는 추격.

어려움을 이길!

야생 생물, 그리움, 갈증 멋진 모바일 죽은 무장 힘보다 당신이 더 빠른 학살 할 수 있습니다. 불 이상 체이스 생물 및 계획 영양식, 비 포수 물을 수집하고 자신의 조항을 얻기 위해 다양한 플레이어를 실행. 정품 생존의 영혼을 느껴!

당신의 생존의 차량 선택!

당신은 당신의 자신의 좀비 생존 차량을 만들기 위해 지원 물건의 거대한 양을 발견 할 수 있습니다. 죽은 군중과 디스토피아 장면을 산책을 통해 헬기를 타고 가능성을 놓치지 않으려 고.

새로운 영역을 조사!

헌트는 군사 요새와 생존자를 버리고’ 기지 밖으로 검색하고 첫번째 중요한 자산을 촬영합니다. 예술 생존 차량과 마을 유적을 포기하기 위해 방문을. 당신은 지역 해제까지 방문하여 할 수 있습니다 곳 피난처를 제조 할 수.

다른 선수와 이야기!

방문을 활용, 정보가 죽은 메뚜기를 산책 로딩이 세상 가운데 두 번째 가장 중요한 자산입니다.

In 2027 모호한 좀비 오염 플레어해서 총 대중의 큰 부분을 지워. 유행성 죽은 따라 걸 unsatiated의 인파로 변형되었다 그러나 생활은 개인의 머나 먼 쇠약 한. 파트너와 만 유지하거나 협력 - 당신이하고있는 일을 혼란 넘치는 세계 안에 당신의 방법을 선택하는. 당신이 그렇게 살아남로 할 수있을 것입니다 어떤 방법을 활용.

세계의 진정한 좀비 말에 오신 것을 환영합니다! 각 당신의 선택 문제 지구상 최후의 심판에서, 각 사용자의 슬립 업 치명적인 하나가 될 수 있습니다. 당신이 흐지부지되는 오프 기회에, 당신은 한 번 더 시작해야합니다. 성격은 좀비 나 다른 플레이어로 스마트 한 당신을 종료하기 위해 노력할 것입니다. 따기 파트너와 경고를 활용. 오늘 공범은 죽음과 내일에서 당신을 절약했다 {그들은 할 것이다|그들은 할 것이다|그들은 할 것이다} 콩의 항아리의 뒷면에서 당신을 촬영.

클랜 가입!

더 많은 힘, 당신은 그러나 다른 개별 오늘 양동이를 걷어차하지 않을 가능성이 더 생각할 수있는 결과의 큰 거래. 가족과 함께 지역 항 및 구축 다른 사람은 당신을 위해 작동.

지구에서 하루 전에 다운로드 및 감상 - 신선한를 상자에 새로운 무료 좀비 생존 전환 오늘에서!


어플 정보

App Download Version 1.7.10
Apk Size N / A
Last Updated March 14, 2018
Category 무료 액션 앱
App by 케 피어!
Content Rating 비탄
App Package zombie.survival.craft.z
Support Android Version Android 16 and above



  • 게임의 개는 지금있다!
  • 당신이 작은 강아지를 유지할 수 개 상자 - 청사진의 목록에 새 건물을 찾아.
  • 품종 동물, 그들에 대한 권리의 경기를보고 새로운 종을 성장.
  • 대부분의 개는 특성을 탄생했다: 블러드 하운드는 레어 아이템에 대한 모습을 도움이 될 것입니다, 사냥꾼 - 희귀 동물을 추적.
  • 그리고 당신은 당신과 함께 몇 개를 취할 수 있습니다, 적을 접근하기 어려운 장소를 전달하고 발생 때 당신이 그들을 필요합니다

모드 1 Features:

  • 무료 크래프팅
  • 무제한 골드 동전 - 동전을 사용 할 때마다 코인을 추가 (지도, 리셋 스킬, XP 부스트를 구매)
  • 무제한 공예 및 재료 빌드 - 당신은 자원을 필요없이 구축 / 공예 수 있습니다 (나무 / 돌 등)
  • 무제한 스킬 포인트 - 증가
  • 분할에 의해 중복
  • 최대 내구성
  • 무제한 에너지
  • 무료 XP 부스터
  • 무한 연료

모드 2 Features:

  • 무료 크래프팅
  • 무료 크래프팅 (필요한 항목이없는 공예)
  • 무료 빌딩 (필요한 항목없이 구축)
  • 어떤 건물의 요구 사항 없습니다
  • 무료 업그레이드 (필요한 항목없이 업그레이드)
  • 무한 무기 내구성
  • 무한 갑옷 내구성
  • 무제한 동전 (증가 동전을 보내)
  • 무제한 스킬 포인트 (증가하는 기술을 사용하여)
  • 무제한 에너지 (동전 구매


  1. "APK는"장치에 설치.
  2. "zombie.survival.craft.z "폴더"안드로이드 / OBB"에 복사.
  3. 게임을 입력.


지구 모에서 마지막 날

지구 모 APK에 마지막 날지구 모 APK 다운로드에 마지막 날

지구 모 APK 다운로드에 마지막 날 1.7.10지구 모 APK 다운로드에 마지막 날 1.7.10 번역

Mobilism 안드로이드 마켓 APK 다운로드 최신 Version2018

Mobilism 안드로이드 시장 MOBILISM 시장의 총평 앱은 이전에 구글 플레이 스토어에 등록 된 이후 이러한 누적 등급 있다는 3.2.Please 참고하지만, 구글 플레이 스토어에서 지금 사용할 수. 일반적으로 안드로이드 앱 스토어에서 상위 애플 리케이션의 대부분의 등급이 4+. 별 다섯 개 리뷰의 총 수신: 6. 이 응용 프로그램은 평가하고있다 1 별(나쁜) 으로 5 사용자 수. .응용 프로그램 다운로드의 추정 수는 더 사이의 범위 100 and 500 구글 플레이 스토어에 따라. MOBILISM 시장 APP의 콘텐츠 등급은 모두이다. 이 앱은 구글 플레이 스토어의 도구 범주에 나열되어 있습니다 . 이 개발 회사 / 개발자에 대한 자세한 내용을 알고 마크 Rygielski의 웹 사이트를 방문 할 수. MOBILISM 시장은 다운로드 및 지원 안드로이드 폰 / 장치에 설치할 수 있습니다 10 API 이상. 응용 프로그램의 APK를 다운로드 한 다음 안드로이드의 SD 카드에 APK 파일을 이동 한 다음 검색을 선호 하나의 파일 관리자를 사용하여 & 설치. 우리는 원래의 순수한 APK 파일을 제공주의 및 zippyshare 같은 MOBILISM 시장 거울보다 빠른 다운로드 속도를 제공하십시오, userscloud, 메가, sendspace, 및 MediaFire, Rapidgator, 업로드 . 또한 MOBILISM 시장의 APK를 다운로드 및 큰 안드로이드 에뮬레이터를 사용하여 실행할 수 있습니다 , 블루스 택스, koplayer 및
질소 산화물 응용 프로그램 플레이어.

앱 권한:

MOBILISM 시장은 당신의 안드로이드 장치에 다음과 같은 권한이 필요합니다.

App Informations:

App Download Version
App by 마크 Rygielski
Apk Size N / A
Last Updated 월. 4, 2018
Content Rating Everyone
Category Free Tools App
App Package com.newapp.mobilism
Support Android Version Android 10 and above


Mobilism 안드로이드
Mobilism 시장 Mobilism 안드로이드 마켓 APK
Mobilism 시장 APK 다운로드Mobilism APK

개는 최고 팔찌 귀가, 보석류 & 부속품


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개 귀 “우정” 더블 링크 회갈색 실크 조절식 클로저 브레이슬릿

믹스 스트링 브레이슬릿이 있는 도그 이어드 프렌드십 스몰 오픈 하트

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도그 이어드 스털링 실버 클래식 오리지널 카르마 카드 박스형 팔찌

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조정 가능한 비드 클로저 골드 팔찌가있는 레드 코드의 개 귀 스파클 링

강아지 귀의 신부 들러리 작은 단추 진주 팔찌, 6″+1″ 증량제

개 귀 마야 안젤루 2.0 “감사하는 자세” 얇은 인그레이빙 커프 브레이슬릿

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강아지 귀 작은 무한 사랑 무한 팔찌

개 귀 마야 안젤루 2.0 “나는 나 자신을 유지합니다.” 얇은 인그레이빙 커프 브레이슬릿

조정 가능한 비드 클로저 골드 팔찌가있는 회갈색 코드의 개 귀 스파클 링

개 귀 마야 안젤루 2.0 “인생처럼 살아라..” 식별 팔찌, 6″+1.5″ 증량제

개 귀 무한 사랑 참 팔찌 6″ + 1″ 증량제

조정 가능한 비드 클로저가있는 조약돌 코드의 개 귀 스파클 링 스털링 실버 팔찌

개 귀 마야 안젤루 2.0 “평화, 애정, 번영.” 미디엄 인그레이빙 커프 브레이슬릿

개 귀 “균형” 브라운 팔찌

작은 산호 씨앗 구슬 팔찌와 개 귀 카르마

조절 가능한 비드 클로저가 있는 레드 코드의 개 귀 스파클 링 스털링 실버 팔찌

조정 가능한 비드 클로저가 있는 회갈색 코드의 개 귀 스파클 링 스털링 실버 팔찌

개 귀 성. 크리스토퍼 체인 브레이슬릿, 6″+2″ 증량제

이중 연결된 실버 링이 있는 강아지 귀 우정 팔찌 회갈색

개 귀 굿 포춘 골드 담근 포춘 쿠키 소달라이트 페르시 6″ 1″ 익스텐더 팔찌

개 귀 여성 보석 팔찌, 균형 만다라, 작은 균형 만다라, 블랙 오닉스 비즈

조정 가능한 비드 클로저 골드 팔찌가있는 조약돌 코드의 개 귀 스파클 링

믹스 스트링 브레이슬릿이 있는 도그 이어드 프렌드십 링크드 오픈 하트

체인 팔찌에 크리스탈이 달린 개 귀 작은 헤일로, 6″+1″ 증량제

개 귀 “우정” 이중 연결 조절식 잠금 팔찌

개 귀 세인트. 레드 코드 팔찌 목걸이에 크리스토퍼

개 귀 우정, 스몰 오픈 하트 체인 네크리스, 6″+1″ 증량제

개 귀 & 나, 크리스탈 온 블랙 코드 우정 팔찌

개 귀 우정, 미디엄 오픈 하트 체인 팔찌, 6″+1″ 증량제

개 귀 이드 “새로운 시작” 얇은 바 팔찌

개 귀 여성 보석 팔찌, 행운, 포춘 쿠키 부적, 소달라이트 비드

개 귀를 가진 당신은 나의 신부 들러리가 될 것입니다?, 스몰 버튼 펄 브레이슬릿

개 귀 평화, 사랑과 보호 성도 멀티 참 팔찌, 스털링 실버, 6″ + 1″ 확대

도그 이어드 오리지널 카르마 참 팔찌

Dog Eared New Beginnings Gold Dipped Lotus Carnelian Beaded 6″ 1″ 익스텐더 팔찌

도그 이어드 러브 파베 스파클 볼 브레이슬릿

개 귀 우정, 링크드 오픈 하트 체인 브레이슬릿, 6″+1″ 증량제

개 귀 수호 천사 날개 아마조나이트 구슬 6″ 1″ 익스텐더 팔찌

HP 15-G070NR 15.6-inch Laptop Specification Review


The HP 15-g070nr is a 15-inch best selling laptop that received positive reviews for its fashionable design with matte finish lid, a lighter weight build than most 15-inch laptops, adequately fast AMD processor for daily basic tasks, nicely spaced keys and a decent battery life. On the draw back it doesn’t have a DVD-burner or Bluetooth connection and its VGA webcam produces solely lower quality pictures and video. Overall the 15-g070nr is a nice budget laptop that doesn’t cut down on appearance and essential standard hardware options despite its low price point.


HP 15-g070nr is a H.P. Notebook that includes 15.6 inches display that helps you to enjoy the rich experience of smooth chats on its HD display paired with fantastically cool thin design offering various security features that helps in protecting the data. This laptop computer is basically targeted towards the light users searching for a cheap laptop computer with decent specs. If you {think|you think that|you’re thinking that} it’s an ugly laptop due to its price tag then don’t think so as a result of it has got classy design with a matte glossy finish around the touch pad and keyboard areas. Even the keyboard keys are very well spaced together with a dedicated number pad that carries all the calculations smoothly. do you think that HP 15-g070nr fits practically in your budget?


Memory Features

It is equipped with DDR3 RAM of 4GB that is pretty good amount and spacious for light users. Users can simply make a good use of it while performing multi tasks. This RAM can simply run all the applications and finally meeting all the specified requirements. RAM paired with processor delivers lag free performance. moreover, this laptop features 500GB hard drive and ambles on Windows 8.1.

Processor Performance

HP 15-g070nr is powered by AMD E1 6010 processor that isn’t that great processor whereas delivering its performance however is adequate for light users to perform their everyday tasks. This laptop is one among the best HP Laptops 2014 that enables you to browse internet and work with your workplace documents, play music and videos without any glitches. generally you might face some problems whereas trying some intensive applications however do remember that this laptop isn’t designed for performing heavy tasks similar to HP Stream 14 Quad Core laptop.

Final Thoughts

Though HP 15-g070nr features an entry level processor however it’s quite adequate for performing various basic tasks and best laptops under $300. This HP laptop costs is under three hundred if you’re buying through webpage, you’ll get discount on HP shopping. it’s not even bulky and has fairly space of 500GB hard drive along with average battery life. we suggest you all for HP 15-g070nr if you’re trying to find a laptop especially for your daily use including checking mails, internet browsing, everyday workplace tasks and many more. you’ll easily buy this laptop online. which seems to be reliable way {of purchasing|of buying} product online and makes purchasing trouble free.

Top 5 Fanny packs For Hunting

Fanny packs For Hunting

Quality Fanny packs with shoulder straps will increase your overall experience with hunting. This enables you the advantage of having somewhere to store your hunting gear and devices, making them straightforward and fast to access on the go. Selecting the most effective quality funny pack for hunting isn’t very hard, as long as you recognize what to look for.

The right alternative will be light-weight, with many pockets and sections for storage, while keeping your things simply accessible at any time. It should also come with a bottle compartment for staying hydrous on the trail.


Here is our guide for the most efficient hunting fanny packs available on the market, together with each of their unique options.A hunter’s fanny pack is outlined as a waist pack that’s devoted only to packing the foremost essentials of a hunter who is out on the field. A hunter’s fanny pack is a far cry from any daily waist pack, a jogger’s waist pack, or perhaps a fanny pack that’s designed for concealed carry. Also, the majority hunters keep their packs loaded up with gear and ready to travel on a minute’s notice.

Because they’re meant for different uses than other fanny packs, hunter’s fanny packs are designed differently as well. For example, hunter’s fanny packs have to be compelled to be created out of a quieter material as not to disturb any game, have neutral colors, and be waterproof and prepared to carry up against the weather.

ALPS OutdoorZ Little Bear Fanny Hunting Pack

Fanny packs For Hunting

  • Four Pockets: Main, Front, Two Side
  • Removable Waist Belt with Two Pockets
  • Removable Shoulder Harness
  • Compatible with ALPS OutdoorZ Accessory Pockets
  • Total Capacity: 500 cubic inches
  • Brushed Realtree Xtra HD Fabric

Fanny packs For Hunting

ALPS is well known for manufacturing top quality hunting fanny packs and other outdoor apparel and equipment. When you’re a hunter on the go and wish to have all of your gear in one sport, this can be the fanny pack for you.The Alps Outdoorz, little bear waist pack, is a light-weight waist pack that’s designed for the hunter on the go, who still needs to pack gear in. The little Bear options a brushed polyester material and weighs just one lb eight oz. The removable shoulder harness is adjustable and works in conjunction with an adjustable, soft waist belt, allowing you to securely and comfortably carry your gear in the field. The little Bear features a main compartment, front pocket and two side pockets, two waist belt pockets and has a carrying capability of five hundred cubic inches. The little Bear Fanny is additionally compatible with the Alps Outdoorz accessory Pockets.

Technical Information

Style: Daypack/Fanny pack

Overall Dimensions: 14″ x 10″ x 6″

Weight: 1 lb 9 oz

Capacity: 500 cubic inches

Hydration Compatible: No

Material: Brushed polyester

Number of Pockets: 6

Pocket Dimensions:

  • Main compartment: 12″ x 8″ x 4″
  • Front Pocket: 8″ x 9″
  • Side Pocket (flap closure): 3″ x 5.5″
  • Belt Pocket (x2): 6″ x 4″ x 1″

Frame: None

Adjustable Torso: Yes




ALPS OutdoorZ Big Bear Hunting Day Pack

Fanny packs For Hunting

  • Two packs in one
  • Adjustable shoulder harness
  • Fanny packs expands into day pack
  • Compatible with accessory pockets
  • Pockets: two side, front & main
  • Padded waist belt with easy access pockets
  • Fanny Pack Capacity: 800 cubic inches
  • Total Capacity: 2,700 cubic inches
  • Pack Pack Capacity: 1,900 cubic inches

Fanny packs For Hunting


ALPS big Bear Pack can be used as a fanny pack, day pack, or both! The fanny pack features a large extendible day pack that offers you an additional 1,900 cubic inches of space on demand! If you are going on a short trek and only want the capacity of the fanny pack, the expandable day pack section can stow away. The fanny pack features a large main compartment, two side pockets, and a front pocket, providing you with plenty of space to arrange your gear. The large Bear comes with a padded removable waist belt that has a simple access pocket to keep your smaller things handy. Get yours in Brushed Realtree Xtra HD fabric, as well as, Brushed Mossy Oak Break-Up Infinity. With numerous options and uses, the Big Bear is sure to quickly become your favorite pack! Two packs in 1: Adjustable shoulder harness; big Bear is compatible with little bear optional harness pockets (not included); Webbing loops for lashing on additional gear; 800 cu. In. Fanny pack capacity; 1,900 cu. In. Daypack capacity; 2,700 cu. In. Total capacity; Weight: two lbs. Five ozs.; State Camo Pattern. Order yours today! ALPS big Bear Pack.




ALPS OutdoorZ Pathfinder Hunting Pack

Fanny packs For Hunting

  • Fanny pack expands to day pack with adjustable shoulder harness, padded waist belt and H20 pocket and port
  • Day pack fits a wide variety of compound bows and a drop-down pocket to carry your gun
  • Comfortably carry heavy loads and haul meat, use extension lashing straps for extra large loads
  • Weight: 3 lbs. 5 oz., Total Capacity: 44 L
  • Compatible with ALPS OutdoorZ accessory pockets: binocular, camera and turkey call pockets




When you are scouting or going to your stand, the fanny pack mode is nice to haul along the essentials. There are a pleasant padded waist belt and shoulder harness system that creates carrying the Pathfinder a comfortable fit and helps distribute the load. When more space is necessary, you just unroll the daypack mode out from the fanny pack, and you’ve got an extra 1100 cubic inches of space. Once the daypack mode is ready, you’ve got the choice to use the pathfinder in a hauling mode or bow-carrying mode. The hauling mode has additional fabric and straps that work along to create extra space to either carry out meat or additional gear. Last but not least, there is a bow pocket that fits a large variety of compound bows, and once strapped in by the lash straps, your bow will be secure, and your hands will be free!

Another great feature of this pack is that it’s compatible with the accessory pockets (binocular pocket and turkey call pockets) therefore you can attach the pockets to the front of the harness and have your most vital gear in front and accessible when you want it. The accessory pockets also are compatible with the little Bear and large Bear.


Technical Details & Features:
Item Weight 1.5 Kg
Color Brushed MAX-1 HD
Item model number 9411193
Product Dimensions 14.9 x 11.5 x 6.1 cm
Length 16.75 inches
Width 14 inches
Weight 1.95 kilograms
Number of Pieces 5
Batteries Included? No
Brand Name ALPS OutdoorZ






Badlands Monster Camouflage Hunting Fanny Pack

Fanny packs For Hunting

  • COMPLETE FREEDOM – Small but mighty, the Monster Fanny liberates your back with a comfortable, padded waist belt and a shoulder harness; Plenty of cargo room and well-placed pockets to keep your essentials organized
  • STEALTHY – Badlands’ RealTree Xtra camo is a stealthy pattern that teams up with whisper-quiet KXO-32 fabric to make you practically undetectable to your prey
  • COMFORTABLE CARRY – ThermoMold Suspension utilizes molded foam so ergonomically advanced that it virtually matches every contour of the human form; Lightweight Delron flex frame provides support to reduce fatigue
  • TECHNICAL SPECS – Weighs 2 lb 10 oz (1.2 kg) and measures 9 x 15 x 7 inches; Main compartment has a volume of 425 cubic inches (7 L); Total volume is 1100 cubic inches (18 L); 7 pockets.
  • VERSATILE – Ideal for recon or day hiking; Wear it your way with fully adjustable, removable 3-point shoulder straps; 2 integrated fold-down workstation pockets; Compatible with 1-liter hydration systems.

For over twenty years, the Monster hunting fanny pack has set the quality for the rest of the globe for what a “Hip is hauling S.O.B” should be. With over one thousand cubic inches of storage spread over seven pockets, a Delron flex frame for support and an adjustable shoulder harness, the Monster fanny pack will free you up to get down and dirty on your next hunt. All of the same old Badlands suspects are there: durable KXO-32™ fabric, aramid reinforced sewing, Hypalon stress points, and our Unconditional lifetime guarantee. Throw in hydration reservoir capability, and a few bedroll straps and the Monster is everything you never expected during a hunting pack this size.
This 2-pound bag is compatible with one liter of hydration, comes with three removable or adjustable shoulder straps, and six pockets to fit everything you wish within the great outdoors.

Carry even heavy loads simply with its ergonomic molded foam and Delron flex-frame, that helps prevent uncomfortable sagging within the pack. The pack is compatible with quiet, easy-to-clean Badlands water bottles and can keep the bottle control safely and snugly.

“Although its name seems contradictory to a Minimalist’s mission, the spacious, versatile Monster (1,000 cubic inches, one large main compartment with five smaller pockets; a pair of pounds fourteen ounces) is lighter and far additional efficient than most day packs,” said Mark Melodic at Outdoor Life.

For those sick of wearing full-sized backpacks hunting, this can be the solution. It’s created well, won’t sag annoyingly, and offers nice water resistance. As mentioned, the fanny pack comes with six pockets, including two workstation-style, fold down pockets for holding your gear on the path.

The craftsmanship of this pack is high-quality and created with the most waterproof, quietest, and strongest material regarding outside hunting packs. If you continue to aren’t convinced, you’ll be glad to grasp that Badlands offers a period assurance that’s unconditional.

Although this bag holds lots of gear, it doesn’t feel as if you’re carrying a great deal. The shoulder straps combined with the waist support band build it straightforward to carry your items.

The versatility of compartments on the fanny pack permits you to put what you wish right wherever you wish it. There’s a wire support running over the bag’s top to keep it durable and control in situ whereas you walk. Though the bag is right for looking, you’ll be able to additionally use it for camping or hiking trips.

Many people struggle with finding a pack that fits comfortably and is additionally easy to take off, but this bag is right for any body size and offers pure quality.

The zippers aren’t as durable as those of another brand, however, if you’re careful with them, this shouldn’t cause any problems. Additionally, the even-toed water ungulate enclosed is extremely tiny therefore you will need to induce an even bigger one.



Allen Nomad Waist Pack with Water Bottle Holder, 435 cu. in.

Fanny packs For Hunting


  • Designed with only the toughest, roughest users in mind
  • Padded hip belt, adjusts up to 54″
  • 8″ x 10″ x 6″ main compartment
  • Quiet, waterproof fabric with silent zipper pulls
  • Water bottle pocket


The Allen nomad waist pack features three zippered storage compartments totaling 435 cubic inch capability for storing gear. This pack is ideal for hunters and hikers who wish to be nimble on the go. However it is also great for shallow fishing, go bags, or to stay in your truck, packed with emergency gear. The waist belt adjusts up to fifty-two in.

Five Nights at Freddy’s 2 Anroid 무료 게임 APK 다운로드

fnf 2 app

프레디의 두에서 5 일 동안 - 새로운 매력적인 캐릭터와 안드로이드 선정적인 게임의 속편. 첫번째 부분 내로서, 새 가드 앉아서해야합니다 5 아주 끔찍한 정지의 밤, 사악한 인형과 함께. 오후에이 인형은 자신의 장소에서 조용히 앉아, 야간에 모든 재미가 시작됩니다. 이 게임에서 당신은 다른 위치 기다리고있어, 11 새로운 괴물의 첫 번째 부분에서 익숙, 또한 그들에 대한 새로운 방어로. 아침까지 앉아서 걱정 미친 갈 시도.

Freddys에서 5 일 동안 2

프레디의 두에서 5 일 동안은 액션 전략 게임이다. 그것은 스콧 코슨에 의해 개발 된 것. 그것은 걸출한 게임의 속편이다 5 프레디의에서 밤. 당신이있어 새로운 다시 환영 프레디 Frazbear의 피자를 강화.

이 게임에서 결함 이전 애니메 트로닉스는 몇 가지 새로운 문자 동맹되고있다. 이 게임을하는 동안이 로봇은 강화하고 그들은 그들의 업그레이드 된 얼굴 인식 기술의 아이 친절된다. 그들은 그들이 젊은이를위한 안전하고 즐거운 약속 범죄자 데이터베이스 것을 연결되고있어. 당신은 한 번 더이 게임 도중 가드로 고용하고 있으며 사용자의 작업은 안전 카메라를 관찰하는 것입니다. 당신은 아무것도 한밤중에 잘못되지 않도록 할 수 있습니다. 이 게임을하는 동안 당신이 구조를 얻을 수 있도록이 로봇은 당신 가까이에 돌아올 때 당신에게 주어진 능력이있다. 전부이 게임은 매우 재미와 끔찍한입니다.

프레디 Fazbear 피자의 두 번째 버전으로 돌아 오신 것을 환영합니다. 이전과 노화 애니메는 현재 문자의 전체 새로운 세트에 의해 연결된다. 그들은 아이에게 친숙한있어, 얼굴 인식 기술에서 최고의 업데이트 및 기본 범죄 데이터베이스에 키가 있습니다. 어른과 청소년의 경우, 엔터테인먼트는 더 안전하게 얻을 수 없다.

그러나 야간에 그것은 다른 이야기. 당신은 기본 에피소드를 살아 경우, 5 프레디의에서 밤 2 더 악화 될 것입니다.

당신은 새로운 야간 경비로 모집. 그리고 그것은 감시 카메라를 관찰하고 아무것도 잘못하지 확인하기 위해 의무.

이전 경비는 마스코트가 야간 직장에 들어갈 시도하고 있다고 경고했다. 그는 현재 dayshift에서 작동하고 당신은 그의 일어나고있어.

당신을 보호 할 보안 문이 없습니다, 그러나 당신의 호의에 한 가지가있다. 생각해 내다, 애니 마 트로닉 마스코트 실수로 직장 혼자 당신을 떠날으로 그들을 속일 수있는 유일한 방법을 입력하면 잘못된 프레디 Fazbear 헤드 마스크를 착용하는 것입니다.

그것은 지옥으로 무서운 약이다. 생활에 행운을 당신의 5 밤.

Five Nights at Freddy’s 2 Features

다음은 프레디의에서 5 일 동안 후에 경험하게 될 것입니다 게임의 흥미 진진한 멋진 기능입니다 2.

  • 인상적인 액션과 전략 게임.
  • revious 애니 새로운 캐릭터와 동맹을 맺고있다.
  • 인상적인 스토리.
  • 프레디의 게임의 유명한 5 일 동안 속편.
  • 향상된 로봇.
  • 얼굴 인식 기술이 사용되어왔다.
  • 놀라운 그래픽.
  • 프레디 Fazebar의 피자 강화.
  • 경비원으로 플레이 소름 생물에 눈을 유지.

Five Nights at Freddy’s 2 Requirements

  • 최소 메모리 필수 (RAM): 1 GB
  • CPU: 1 GHz의 +
  • 안드로이드 생강 빵 (2.3)
  • 벌집 (3.0/3.1/3.2)
  • Jelly Bean (4.1–4.3.1)
  • 아이스크림 샌드위치 (4.0-4.0.4)
  • 킷 캣 (4.4)
  • Marshmallow (6.0.0-6.0.1)
  • Lollipop (5.0-5.1.1)
  • 테스트 장치: 삼성 S4, S5, S6, S7, 삼성 주 4, 주 5

Five Nights at Freddy’s 2 Screenshots:

Freddys에서 5 일 동안 2 fnf2 Freddys에서 5 일 동안 2 fnf2Freddys에서 5 일 동안 2 fnf2 Freddys에서 5 일 동안 2 fnf2 Freddys에서 5 일 동안 2 fnf2 Freddys에서 5 일 동안 2 fnf2
















노트: 이 게임을 재생하려면, 이 필요 512 MB RAM 이상 장치에 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다과 같은 최신 기기.

GTA 5 Duplicate Money Cheat Engine Trick For Pc

Cheat engine For GTA 5

Here is a trick to duplicate your money in GTA 5 using cheat engine.This trick works for single player as well on PC.

Warning! 계정이 금지 얻을 수 있기 때문에 온라인 또는으로 VAC 스팀 동안 치트 엔진을 사용하지 마십시오.

GTA를 들어 치트 엔진을 사용하는 방법 5.

  1. 치트 엔진을 다운로드 링크에서 설치: 치트 엔진 다운로드.
  2. 그런 다음 GTA를 엽니 다 5 치트 엔진의 PC에 대한.
  3. GTA로 이동 5 거기에 돈이 문자로 싱글 플레이어 모드 및 스위치.
  4. 돈과 서비스를 얻었다과 LCN을 선택.
  5. 사다 11 그 당시 녹색 어떤 주식에 주.
  6. 그런 다음 치트 엔진으로 전환하고이 값을 설정 11 그리고 첫 스캔을 클릭.
  7. GTA로 이동 5 하나 개의 주식을 판매.
  8. 엔진을 속임수로 돌아가서에 값을 변경 10.
  9. GTA로 이동 5 하나 개의 주식을 판매.
  10. 그런 다음 엔진을 속임수로 돌아가서에 값을 변경 9.
  11. GTA로 이동 5 다시 한 주식을 판매.
  12. 엔진을 속임수로 돌아가서에 값을 변경 8.
  13. 그런 다음 주소에서 나타 마지막 항목을 클릭.
  14. 지금까지 값을 변경 999999999999.
  15. GTA로 이동 5 모든 주식을 판매하고 더 많은 돈을 즐길 수.

Cyber Liker Android App Apk For Facebook Auto Status and Photos Likes

facebook cyberliker app for free auto likes

Use Cyber Liker app Apk for your android to increase Facebook Likes and followers on your status and photos free automatically. Download Cyber liker app apk free and enjoy unlimited likes and followers.Cyberlikes is also know as Cyberliker.

Cyber likes app apk plays an important role in your Facebook world. The app apk really works for you as Facebook profile to get auto likes getting a huge number of likes automatically and effortlessly. You are supposed to be social through social media network and you update your status on daily basis to remain in contact with the world. You share different activities with the people to covey your message and to show your passion as well. Anything you share with your friends on Facebook ID e.g. photos, videos and text content.

APK 다운로드

How To Install The Cyber Likes App On Your Device

Step 1

Download the app Apk file from above link.

Step 2

If installation is blocked, go to your settings
cyber liker likes app install step 2

Step 3

Enable ‘Allow installation of apps from sources other than the Play Store’
cyber liker likes app install step 3
cyber liker likes app install step 4.1

Step 4:

Now Click on Install to Install and use the App.

How To Use Cyber Likes App

  • Download the APK file from the given downloading link location below.
  • Install it on your Android phone or a tablet.
  • Launch the application after installation.
  • Sign in with your existing Facebook login details.
  • Select your photos which you want to boost likes.
  • It will start its working after you submit your photos.

Cyber Likes App Main Features

  • Instant facebook Likes.Get instant 200 likes per submit by using your access_token and UP-TO 10,000 likes on your facebook statuses, pictures and albums
  • No Spam likes. cyber likes is online since 2014 and always keep online to help you to provide free services. We never spam using your access_token.
  • they are 100% Trusted Site. cyber likes is providing this service since 2014, We never spam using your access_token or use it without your permission, our site is 100% trusted.
  • They are Most Loved social media liker app.More than 10,000+ daily users use and trust our website to increase likes on their facebook posts. Cyber Likes is a best website to gain likes and comments.
  • Get unlimited likes instantly
    Simple and easy to use app
    Light weight, need less space on memory.
    With simple download and installation procedure.

Cyber Likes Android App Detail Description

Cyber Liker android app(Likes for Facebook) is another android application to get instant likes in a large number. Every person has a dream to get enough likes on their photos and other status things. That’s why we are trying to share a beneficial android app which works positively for you to increase your followers and likes. The android app Cyber likes tool which performing a great job to getting likes on a large scale in just serving of few seconds. You can get likes on your photos in a huge number quickly by using this android app on your Android system. There are many liker’s to download for Android but this one is too good. To get more success to get likes easily, must read the rules and regulation of the Cyber Likes (Liker) android application. Then you can easily do it.Peoples are looking an easy application to use and we are offering this Cyber Likes (Liker) app apk for your Android to download. This is so easy to use just have to download and install it on your device then push an available icon is shown on your mobile screen to launch the application. Then sign into with your legal working information to your Facebook ID through the cyber likes application. The app is working 100 percent on all Android devices and hopes to work properly on your phone too. So, why you are looking further, follow the given download link below and start your downloading immediately.

CyberLiker App Screenshots

Download the app today and increase likes on your pages, status, posts or photos instantly. This is the extraordinary liker app for your facebook status updates and to get more likes. what you are waiting so far. Get access to download the Cyber Liker app apk from the provided link location below. It’s free and a cool android app to use and increase facebook likes and followers. Feel free to download it from the available Get app apk button. Thanks for your visiting in our site to download the Cyber Liker app apk.All these deserve a positive response from others, in the form of likes, comments, followers and share the same with others. This activity is essential to be active social on social network. For the positive response of others you need to update your status regularly then you can get more likes and comments on photos or videos. What, if your fan are limited and only few responses are there on your status? No matter, in spite of limited fan you can get even more likes on your photos, videos or any text content you share on your timeline. This is possible with the help of Cyber likes app apk. Cyber likes has similar function as the other likes app apk and it is considered one of the most popular likes app apk’s because of its some unique features. This is the latest version app apk and working in real sense as compare to other likes app apk. Surely we provide you the most recent and up to date version of any Android app. Nice to say that this app apk will help you in more authentic way and this is a trustworthy app apk which increases like on your Facebook ID unanimously. Get it free and boost up your Facebook post likes quickly and you will see an instant result every fifteen minute after on your status. Cyber likes is perfect and best working app apk for getting more and more likes on any kind of shares whether it is photo or video or text content. The nature of status doesn’t matter, just share and start getting likes rapidly without missing anyone of your friends.

Cyber likes is a tool for generating natural likes, comments & followers on your Facebook profile. This is the suitable and best fit app for your android device. The more likes you will get the more comments you will receive and the more followers you will see on your Facebook status with help of a Auto Like app apk which is called Cyber Liker or Cyber likes app apk for Android phones and tablets. You are now in ease to get more likes on your Facebook status as Cyber likes app apk make this task easier for you. This great app apk made by the Cyber Likes and released on their official site for user’s convenience. So that the user will be able to download Cyber Likes app apk from their site and use it for the purpose. The latest version of this liker app apk is freely available from the links at the bottom of this page and you will go through a simple and easy process while downloading this app apk. After downloading this app apk just install it on your device and it allows you to get number of likes, comments with lots of follower and your facebook like will be increased very much as compare to your friends who don’t use this app apk. After using this wonderful app apk you will be agree that the app apk works in a better way and you will enjoy unlimited likes on your every status. You should not wait for anything, get this app apk for free and become a popular personality on Facebook due to unlimited likes, comments and followers. The features of the app apk have mentioned in above content in detail, some other are given below.

Now are about to download CyberLiker latest app APK and you can install it on your Android device and tablets to enjoy getting unlimited auto likes on your Facebook status and posts. This auto liker app is freely available from the links given below. The following given links are totally free as we always prefer to share links for our users convenience.

Cyber Liker App Apk File Information

Name: CyberLikes (Cyber Liker)
Size: 1.5MB
current Version: v3.6
Developer: cyberlikes. com
System requirement: All Android OS
Category: Apps / Social media free followers
Price: free




Tubemate Apk Download Latest Version For Android


Tubemate Apk Download which is also known as Tubemate, is one of the most rated apps available in the Android app store. With this app, you can watch movies, clips or music videos for free and in high resolution. This may surprise you, be it’s real! Let’s explore the tubemate youtube downloader android app together.

Download tubemate youtube downloader latest version for Android

Owning this tubemate app on your devices, you will also own the huge entertainment world. You will have chances to experience premium features such as multiple videos with high screen resolution at the same time without any lag or any changing in video quality. Besides that, tubemate youtube downloader also brings to its viewers different experiences from other typical Youtube apps. You can watch videos and perform others acts like chatting, web surfing or facebooking without worrying about video lag. These features help to make tubemate convenient. Get tubemate youtube downloader for android to your devices and enjoy the benefits that it offers. If you’re using devices with Android 4.2.2, you can try tubemate download for android 4.2.2 free download.

Prominent features of tubemate youtube downloader latest version for android

  • Supports free video downloading and watching
  • Lightweight app that is suitable for all Android devices
  • Supports multiple video downloading
  • Users can perform different acts while watching videos without any lag
  • Allows presumed previous downloading incase of internet disconnection
  • Beautiful and user-friendly interface
  • Automatically updated with new videos
  • Updates users with the latest app version

Best features of tubemate download for android 5.1.1 free

Talking about the features of Tubemate for android 5.1.1, can’t forget the newest feature that brings successfully breakout with huge numbers of download right few days after it has been updated on the markets. Come to Tubemate free app, you can download videos with any resolution that fit with your devices and watch them anywhere, anytime you want to. Moreover, you also can download MP3 files from favorite videos if you want to listen to them easily with the same quality as the videos’ sound.

Tubemate for android 5.1.1 apk

With greatest updated features, I’m sure Tubemate is the best choice for you for your devices. So don’t be hesitated, let bring tubemate download for android 5.1.1 free app to your devices now and discover entertainment world right inside it. Hope you enjoy, have fun!

How to customize settings on Tubemate app:

Once you have installed tubemate youtube downloader on your phone, it will become simple to download your favorite videos from Youtube, as well as other sources. This amazing app also supports you to download videos at high speed and high quality. In this article, how to customize settings on Tubemate app, I will show you a few simple steps to set your preferences in Tubemate. With these settings, you can choose the quality of your videos, choose to connect them with Internet, or change the download folder as you wish.

From the Tubemate home screen, select “Preferences”

Select ” Preferences”

If you want a fast download, select as shown below

Select ” Fast Download Mode”

Select “Fast download options” to set options for “Connections on WiFi” or “Connection on Mobile”

Select ” Fast Download Option”

If your phone is slow while downloading, select “Speed limit” to adjust the downloading speed.

Select ” Speed limit”

Select “WiFi only”, if you just want to download only on WiFi

Select ” Wifi Only”

If you want to resume video automatically, use media converter or download caption (select as shown below)

Choose the settings here ( if needed)

In “Storage”, you can create or change the folder for videos or for mp3 files

Create or change the folder for videos

You can also select the language

Select the language

If you want to select language and location for Youtube, click as shown below

Select ” Language and location”

If you want the page to be scrolled to the file list, click as shown below

Select ” Make scroll button”

If you want to use KB/s (KBytes/sec) instead of kbps (Kbit/sec) for downloading speed, click as shown below

Select ” Use KB/s”

With this article how to customize settings on Tubemate app. Hopefully you will have the most optimal settings and many great experiences using tubemate youtube downloader. Good luck and thanks for reading!

How to uninstall Tubemate on device

I will instruct you on how to uninstall Tubemate on your device

First, from home screen, select “Settings”

Select ” Settings”

Then select “Apps”

Select ” Apps”

Find “Tubemate” and select it

Select ” Tubemate”

Click “ Uninstall”

Select ” Uninstall”

Select “OK” for uninstall confirmation

Finish ” Uninstall”

After uninstalling Tubemate from your device, space will be created on your storage and this will help your phone run faster. Hopefully you find these instructions on how to uninstall Tubemate on devices useful. If you want to reinstall this app, read the article on How to install Tubemate on smart device for more details. Good luck and thanks for reading!

How to stop and resume downloading process on Tubemate app

Select the video you want to download, then click the green arrow (as shown below)

중지 TUBEMATE 애플리케이션에 다운로드 과정을 다시 시작

Select video that you want to download

If you want to pause downloading, go to the “Downloading list”

중지 TUBEMATE 응용 프로그램에 과정을 다운로드를 재개

Select ” Download list”

If you want to pause downloading, click “Pause”

Select ” Pause”

If you want to resume downloading, click “Resume”

중지 및 안드로이드 TUBEMATE에 과정을 다운로드를 재개

Select ” Resume”

Hopefully after reading the instructions on how to stop and resume downloading process on Tubemate app, you will experience the many wonderful features that tubemate brings. Now go enjoy watching videos with your friends and family. Thank you for reading!

How to change download folder on Tubemate

In this article named how to change download folder on Tubemate, I will instruct you with detailed steps to change folders as you want.

From your download folder screen, select “Add folder” to create a folder for your videos

Select ” Add folder”

Now go back to your list of downloaded videos, select a video, then select “Move to” to change the location of the video to the new folder have created (Like the ‘Video of mine’ folder shown above)

Select ” Move to”

Also, to move a video from the “Video of mine” folder to a different one, select that video

Select video and move to different folder

Then select “Move to” and select “New folder” and create a new folder, for example “Gift to Sunny”, then select “Submit” and “OK”

Create a new folder

With this article how to change download folder on Tubemate, I hope that you know how to arrange your folder conveniently and make it easier for you to look for a video, or to share it with friends. Have fun and thanks for reading!

How to download MP3 file on Tubemate

I will instruct you how to download MP3 file on Tubemate.

Once you find your favorite video, select the “Download” icon to save it to your phone.

Select ” Download” icon

There will be a list of screen resolution for you to choose. To download an MP3 file, select audio resolution as below then click “Download”

Select audio resolution

Select MP3 format

Select MP3 format

After choosing MP3 format, there will be a notification asking if you want to install “MP3 Video Converter”. Click “Install” to bring it to your phone.

Choose ” Install” MP3 Video converter

Once installation is complete, you will find it on Google Play

MP3 Video Converter on Google Play

You can also rename the file

Rename the file MP3

When all the steps are done, the MP3 file will be downloaded as shown below

Download MP3 file is completed

It is so simple to download mp3 files to your phone with these few simple steps. I hope that after reading these instructions on how to download MP3 file on Tubemate, you now will have many great moments, enjoying your music library..and don’t forget to share it with friends!!! Have fun and thanks for reading!

How to create downloaded folder on Tubemate app

In this article named how to create downloaded folder on Tubemate app, I will instruct you how to do so.

From your video list screen, select “Add folder”

Select ” Add folder”

Then enter the name of the new folder

Enter the name of folder

Now go back to the Tubemate screen and go to “Download playlist”. Select a video and then select “Move to”

Select ” Move to”


Then select the “Test” folder you just created.

Select the folder that created

Hopefully after reading the article how to create downloaded folder on Tubemate app, you will know how to organize your playlist and make it more convenient whenever you need to find specific videos or share a video with friends. Have fun and thanks for reading!

How to arrange videos in download folder on Tubemate

I will instruct you on how to arrange videos in download folder on Tubemate. I will guide you through the simple and basic steps, teaching you to organize your folder, for a more convenient use.

On your downloading list, select “Sort”, you will see many options to arrange your playlist, such as video name or download time

Select ” Sort”

You can select “By name” to arrange your playlist

Select ” By name”

Or “By time”

Select ” By time”

Or by video size, by choosing “By size”

Select ” By size”

Hopefully after reading these instructions on how to arrange videos in download folder on Tubemate, you will know how to organize your videos appropriately. Thank you for reading!

How to share Tubemate app to friends

I will give you instructions on how to share Tubemate app to friends

On the Tubemate home screen, select “Share”

Select ” Share”

In “Sharing Options”, select “Share Tubemate”

Select ” Share Tubemate”

To share Tubemate with friends, click “Submit”

Share Tubemate with friends

There are many channels that you can share Tubemate with your friends and family (such as Facebook or Gmail)

Select channels to share

Type in the name of recipient, then click the icon (as shown below) to finish sharing Tubemate

Finish sharing Tubemate

Above are simple steps to share the useful tubemate app with friends. Hopefully after reading these instructions on how to share Tubemate app to friends, you all will have many memorable experiences together. Good luck and thanks for reading!

How to change video sources in Tubemate

I will instruct you how to change video sources in Tubemate besides Youtube.

On the Tubemate home screen, select the icon on the top right next to the “search” icon then select “URL”

Select “URL”

There will be a list of sources that allow you to download videos to your phone. To download videos from these sources, follow the same steps that you’re doing to download videos from Youtube.

List of sources download

For example, if you want to download a video from Dailymotion

Download video from Dailymotion

Click on the video you want to download and follow these steps

Select video and screen resolution

Do the same steps for Metacafe

Select video from Metacafe


Hopefully after reading the instructions on how to change video sources in Tubemate, you will have many great videos downloaded to your phone, for hours of entertaining moments to share with friends and family. Have fun and thanks for reading!