Downloading Amazon Underground APK


Amazon Underground APK

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How to install Apps From APK file on Android Device

Your Android phone only allows you to install apps from Google PlayStore. To install app or apk from anywhere else, you have to enable installation from 3rd party sources. That is, enable the “Unknown Sources” setting on your android device.

  • From the Home Screen go to Settings >> More.
  • Go to Security >> Device administration.
  • Check the option which saysUnknown Sources
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This will enable you to install apps from sources other than the google Play Store.
You may need to adjust this according to your Android device model. For some users it is easy just follow the guide , simply go to Settings -> Security and make sure Unknown Sources option is checked. Sometimes you might face the problem of can’t downloading apps.

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Do remember to make sure the Unknown sources is checked all the time so you can download apk files other than the google Play Store.