Sonic CD Hämta APK för Android

Sonic CD erbjuds av SEGA spel serien. Du kan ladda ner apk-filen av Sonic CD för att installera för din Android-enhet. Sonic cd is also available in app store to download. To install sonic cd you required 4.2 or higher android version.

app Information:

Last Updated Feb. 14, 2018
App Download Version 1.0.2
Apk Size N / A
Category Free Action App
App by SEGA
Support Android Version Android 17 and above
Content Rating Everyone
App Package com.sega.soniccd.classic


  • Use Sonic’s spin dash and super peel out moves to zoom around stages.
  • Time travel between the past, present, and future versions of each level.
  • Sonic CD now features both the US and Japanese soundtracks.
  • Clear the game to unlock Miles “Tails” Prower.


  • LEADERBOARDS – compete with the world for high scores
  • CONTROLLER SUPPORT: HID compatible controllers


  • (5/5) Touch Arcade: “Sonic CD is incredible”.
  • (9/10) IGN: “This is a great, fully featured port for iOS.
  • (4.5/5) 148 Apps: “looks and runs perfectly”.

– “Nothing could be simpler to pick up and play.” by Steve White, Mega Action (December 1993)

– “Sonic CD is cracking video entertainment of the highest order.” by Tim Tucker, SEGA Zone #13 (november 1993)

“Any fan of Sonic will want to get their hands on this immediately.” by Mark Hill, SEGA Pro #25 (november 1993)

“The most amazing Sonic adventure to date.” by Vincent Low, Sonic the Comic #15 (11th December 1993)

“An excellent platform game with an ingenious game structure.” by Paul Mellerick, MEGA #13 (October 1993)

“Sonic CD is the Hog’s best outing yet.” by SEGA Power #48 (november 1993)

“Sonic CD is the best advertisement for Mega CD yet.” by Andy Martin, Mega Drive Advanced Gaming #16 (December 1993)

“Sonic CD is an absolute must for Mega CD owners.” by Julian Rignall, SEGA Magazine #1 (January 1994)

“Once again SEGA have come up trumps with another great foray into the world of the spiky, blue megastar.” by Mark Smith, SEGA Force Mega #6 (December 1993)

“Gameplay’s as slick as you’d expect of a Sonic game; the same goes for the graphics.” by Warren Lapworth, Mega Machines #1 (December 1993)

App behörigheter som krävs:

Sonic CD apk requires following permissions on your android device.

  • open network sockets.
  • write to external storage.
  • access information about networks.
  • prevent processor from sleeping or screen from dimming.
  • access information about Wi-Fi networks.
  • access to the vibrator.

– Sonic CD was the first game to feature Sonic speaking – leave Sonic standing still for three minutes to hear him!
– The original release of Sonic CD featured a secret spooky message screen that would greet data pirates
– Sonic CD features two endings, and was the first in the series to feature full motion video cut scenes.
– European and Japanese versions of the game featured different music to its American counterpart

  • Sonic CD was the SEGA CD’s best-selling game of all time at 1.5 million copies.
  • Sonic CD first released in Japan on September 23, 1993.
  • Remastered in 2011 by Christian Whitehead, the man behind Sonic Mania.
  • The first Sonic game to feature CD-quality Red Book audio.

Game apps are ads supported and no inapp purchases are required to progress. ads free play option available with inapp purchase.


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