10 Mambo ya Kustaajabisha Jinsi Biashara ya Ebook Itakavyokupa Mapato Yasiyobadilika

biashara ya ebookbiashara ya ebook

Gundua Uhuru wa Kifedha kwa kutumia Kitabu pepe cha Biashara cha Nyumbani

Uhuru wa kifedha unaweza kutambuliwa tu kwa kufanya kazi kwa bidii, maendeleo, and popular – but reliable – services or product. Na biashara ya mtandao, hawa watatu mara nyingi hutiwa mawingu na kuwa na fursa nyingi sana. You can easily get prevented when looking into the frustrating variety of business types that are offered online. But with e-books, many small company owners are finding financial liberty while using lasting products of value.

E-books are electronic books that may consist of graphics, photos, sound, and content relating to any topic. It’s low-cost to create an e-book, but yet people delight in reading them every day. E-books are popular online since they are usually affordable or free and offer unique ideas and pointers on various subjects.

Ukweli wa Biashara wa Ebook

Starting an ebook business means you are offering ebooks for sale online to a particular target audience. You may offer just one or a few e-books, or you might even provide numerous them. The choice is yours. Walakini, bila shaka, the more ebooks you offer, the more opportunities you’ll need to earn a lucrative income.

You’ll promote your ebooks utilizing various methods such as an e-mail newsletter (e-zine), search engine promotions, paid ads, and other approaches. When they purchase one of your e-books, they will download it straight from your website or from an email.

Ebook businesses are so successful in gaining monetary flexibility because you do not need to do anything except promoting them once they’re created. You can create an automatic cash system that works 24 hours a day, seven days a week. E-books can be sold and downloaded by your clients while you sleep!

Uza tena Vitabu vya Kielektroniki ili Upate Pesa

If you do not want to compose your e-books, you can likewise develop a money system and enjoy monetary freedom by reselling e-books that others have written. Na aina hii ya biashara ya nyumbani, utapata haki za vitabu vingi vya kielektroniki na kuviuza tena kama vitu vyako. Kumbuka kuwa kampuni zingine zinaweza kuwa zinauza mada hizi pia. Mtandao ni mkubwa sana; kuna nafasi nyingi kwa kila mtu!

Biashara zingine hutoa fursa za biashara ambapo utapokea manufaa mengi pamoja na vitabu vingi vya kielektroniki vya kuuza tena. Fursa hizi zinaweza kugharimu mapema lakini hakika zinafaa kuwekeza kwa kuanzisha biashara yako ya nyumbani. Bidhaa za e-book pekee zinaweza kuunda mfumo mzuri sana wa pesa kwa miaka mingi ijayo.

Kama biashara yoyote ya nyumbani, kutoa e-vitabu kutatumia muda fulani kukuza na kujenga. Lakini mara tu mpira unapozunguka, utafurahiya utulivu wa kifedha na mafanikio kama hapo awali!

Na e-vitabu, wafanyabiashara wengi wadogo wanapata uhuru wa kifedha huku wakitoa bidhaa za kudumu za thamani na thamani.

Kuanzisha biashara ya kitabu pepe kunamaanisha kuwa unatoa vitabu vya kielektroniki vinavyouzwa mtandaoni kwa hadhira fulani lengwa. Ikiwa hutaki kuandika e-vitabu zako, unaweza pia kuunda mfumo wa pesa na kufurahia uhuru wa kifedha kwa kuuza tena vitabu vya kielektroniki ambavyo wengine wametunga. Na aina hii ya biashara ya nyumbani, utapata haki za vitabu vingi vya kielektroniki, mara nyingi mamia yao, na kuziuza tena kama bidhaa zako. Baadhi ya fursa za biashara ya ugavi wa biashara ambapo utapata manufaa mengi pamoja na mamia ya vitabu vya kielektroniki vya kuuza tena.

Mtandao umebadilika sana mambo katika dunia yetu. Kama wateja, barua za utoaji wa jumla zilibadilishwa kwa barua-pepe-sisi Skype badala ya kuondoa pochi zetu kwa simu ya umbali mrefu. Na tunaenda kufanya manunuzi kwenye Amazon badala ya kutetea nafasi ya maegesho na kushughulikia umati wa watu kwenye maduka ya kikanda.

Kwa upande mwingine wa hiyo, kama wamiliki wa biashara ya mtandao, tunatumia barua pepe kuuza bidhaa au huduma zetu, Skype kufanya mikutano na kupata pesa kwa kuuza kwenye Amazon.com.

Ambayo ni ladha kidogo tu ya usumbufu wote ambao tumefurahia kutokana na wavuti. Miongoni mwa masoko yaliyoingiliwa sana na yale yanayotoa kozi bora kwa jitihada yenye mapato ya juu mtandaoni kwa mmiliki wa biashara binafsi inasalia katika uchapishaji wa vitabu—hasa kuchapisha na kutoa vitabu pepe mtandaoni..

Unaona, kile ambacho nyumba kubwa za uchapishaji hufanya na sehemu kubwa za kazi za wahariri, waandishi, administrative personnel … and after that huge printing presses … then warehouse ili kupata vitabu vyao book shops around the nation … all to ideally pata vitabu mikononi mwa clients … unaweza kufanya kwenye kompyuta mfumo ulio nao leo. Ikiwa hiyo sio usumbufu mkubwa, sielewi ni nini.

Pamoja na urasimu wote, “play to pay” methods, na kukosekana kwa usaidizi wa masoko kutoka kwa nyumba kubwa za uchapishaji (pamoja na mirahaba ya chini), wengi wanagundua kuwa uchapishaji wa kibinafsi ni chaguo bora zaidi (na mara nyingi mbadala wa faida zaidi!).

Kuna baadhi ya tofauti muhimu kati ya uchapishaji huu wa kibinafsi (ambayo, japo kuwa, haina sauti za chini zisizofaa inazotumiwa) na utaratibu wa kawaida wa uchapishaji. Hutakuwa unashughulikia vitabu vilivyochapishwa, ya mmoja. Hiyo gets rid of the cost and trouble of, in fact, developing books, saving them, and providing them– which might not even offer. It’s going to be all digital. These are ebooks, which can be kept reading gadgets like Amazon’s Kindle, another tablet or smart device, and even a computer system.

From simple starts, ebooks now offer in the millions each year, representing about 20 percent of the publishing market in the United States. And there is lots of space for a one-person ebook business owner to get a piece of that market.

So let’s have a look at how you can generate income with ebooks, from the conceptualizing to the writing, and most significantly … the marketing and selling of your ebooks online.

Vitabu vya kielektroniki ni nini?

Walakini, ebooks are in a format where they can be provided or downloaded online. You can compose them yourself, use authors, utilize public domain material, and produce your ebooks from many sources. And almost any topic can be covered– just as numerous, if not more, than what a conventional publisher may launch since you can customize your tomes to specific niche markets. Travel guides, how-to handbooks, secret, love, sci-fi, self-help, innovation, religious beliefs … almost any topic is a level playing field as long as there is a market of prepared purchasers.
( One of the very best methods to look for is to scan the bestseller lists on Amazon. And not simply the general list, hata hivyo, likewise the ones for classifications and subcategories.).

Likewise, you will not need to count on an editor or publisher to inform you whether a book will be released. And you will not need to depend on a book shop to put your book on its racks. You’re in complete control of the whole procedure.

You’re going to manage whatever yourself, consisting of marketing and selling. Which indicates you get to keep all the earnings. They’re absolutely nothing to sneeze at.

Self-published authors have had huge success in the last few years. Take Hugh Howey, who offered a series of sci-fi books through Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing. At one point, he was offering 20,000– 30,000 copies a month, ambayo produced $150,000 in earnings month-to-month. Amanda Hocking, who composes “paranormal love” and dream books, has offered more than a million books on Amazon, creating over $2 million in sales. That’s evidence that you can earn money self-publishing on Amazon.

Maybe most notoriously, 50 Shades of Grey author E.L. James’s erotica series began life as a self-published work before being bought by a standard publisher and became a motion picture.

Let me reveal to you how to construct the very same kind of organization.

Bear in mind that while Amazon.com is the most typical way many people think about offering ebook business online, you can likewise provide your ebooks straight from your site also. More on that is listed below.

Beginning an Ebook Business– Where You Sell

As an ebook business publisher, you have a couple of alternatives offered for offering your works.

You can establish your site and offer your ebook straight online. You may make a PDF provided to your readers, for instance. An easy shopping cart or PayPal link, and you’re all set. A reader goes to your website, purchases, gets a download link, and gets your book. It’s practically all automated, and you watch on things to ensure the website is running efficiently.

The advantage of this is you manage the whole procedure, get all of the consumer info (so you can promote extra items, services, or books), and charge greater rates. You might discover this unexpected. Walakini, many ebooks offered straight on a site (particularly if it’s on a focused subject) can cost $40 or more, which is double what a conventional print book would cost.

Among the most convenient methods to offer ebooks is to overcome a third-party website like Amazon. You might have bought items, even books, from Amazon in the past. Walakini, this is an entire various side to this enormous e-commerce website.

The huge advantage to overcoming Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, although they charge you a commission on your sales, is their reach. Around 89 million Americans are stated to be active ebook readers. Hao ndio watazamaji wako watarajiwa, watu wote wanaotembelea tovuti hii na kutafuta kitabu kipya kabisa. Huenda ikawa kitabu chako wanachogundua wanapotafuta neno muhimu linalohusishwa. 38 asilimia ya mauzo ya kila siku ya vitabu vya kielektroniki kwenye Amazon huenda kwenye mada zilizochapishwa zenyewe.

Ingawa unaweza usipate pesa nyingi kama vile ungetoa moja kwa moja na tovuti yako mwenyewe, utakuwa na nafasi ya kufikia hadhira ambayo hungeifikia.

Utaratibu wa kutoa kitabu chako cha kielektroniki kwenye Kindle ni rahisi. Unajiandikisha, kisha uwasilishe kitabu chako cha kielektroniki. Wanaangalia baada ya kuibadilisha kuwa muundo wao wa kipekee. Kisha uko tayari kutoa na kukuza kampuni yako kupitia Amazon.com.

Ni ipi kati ya hizi mbadala unapaswa kuchagua? Ninashauri kufanya zote mbili.

Weka moja (au 2) of your books on Amazon and consider that as a traffic source … a method for brand-new individuals to discover you, na utapata kufaidika kutokana na mauzo ya kitabu cha kielektroniki. Tumia vitabu vyako vya kielektroniki vya Amazon kuwarudisha watu kwenye tovuti yako na kuwaingiza kwenye orodha yako ya barua pepe.

Njia bora zaidi ya kufanya hivi ni kujumuisha ofa ya malipo ya bila malipo ndani ya kitabu chako na kuwafanya warudi kwenye tovuti yako ili kutangaza manufaa yao.. Ili kupata zawadi, wanahitaji kujijumuisha na kukupa anwani zao za barua pepe.

Unapokuwa nao kwenye orodha yako ya barua pepe, unaweza kuwafuatilia na kuwapa vitabu pepe vya ziada kutoka kwa tovuti yako kwa gharama kubwa zaidi. Tumia bora zaidi ya walimwengu wote wawili!

Where to Get Your Content– The First Step to Creating Your Bestseller Ebook Business

Fikiri au usifikirie, kwa sasa unaweza kuwa na wingi wa kitabu pepe kilichotungwa sasa. Ikiwa kwa sasa unazalisha mapato na tovuti ya blogi, makala hizo zinaweza kutengenezwa kuwa kitabu cha kielektroniki kikiwa na marekebisho fulani. Kusanya tu nakala zinazofaa kwa mpangilio unaoeleweka, fanya mabadiliko yoyote yanayohitajika ili marejeleo ambayo hayafai yalindwe, na ni pamoja na utangulizi na hitimisho, na umemaliza. Chapisho lolote unalotumia linahitaji kuangazia mada sawa au zinazohusiana na kufanya kazi pamoja.

Ingawa maelezo yanaweza kugunduliwa bila malipo katika tovuti yako yote, watu wengi wanataka kulipa pesa taslimu ili kuipanga rasmi kuwa kitu rahisi kuchukua, kama kitabu pepe.

Kwa kawaida, hiyo ni njia moja tu ya kukusanya nyenzo kwa kitabu chako cha kielektroniki. If you wish to release an initial work of fiction or nonfiction– something you compose yourself fresh– that is likewise an excellent choice.

Ikiwa unarudi kwenye mraba wa kwanza, sehemu muhimu ni kufanya kazi hatua kwa hatua kuelekea malengo yako ya kuishia katika kitabu hicho. Tunga kitu kila siku! Anza na muhtasari, na baada ya hapo, kujaza ndani.

Vile vile unaweza kutumia tena kitabu ambacho kimesalia katika kikoa cha umma kwa ujumla. Hii inapendekeza kuwa hakimiliki imeisha, na mtu yeyote anaweza kuchukua nyenzo za vitabu hivyo na kuvitoa, ama kuboreshwa au kurekebishwa kwa njia fulani au kama ilivyo. Je, uliona kile kitabu cha Pride and Prejudice and Zombies ambacho kilitoka miaka kadhaa iliyopita? Huo ni mfano mzuri wa kurekebisha kitabu cha kikoa cha umma.

Unaweza kugundua kazi za kikoa za umma zinazojumuisha tasnifu kama vile Call of the Wild na Jack London na Shakespeare na vitabu kuhusu karibu kila mada unayoweza kufikiria. (utafutaji wa haraka ulitoa miongozo ya mafunzo ya mbwa, mwongozo wa jinsi ya kuwapa waimbaji mahiri, na mengi zaidi), katika maeneo kama Project Gutenberg.

Walakini, Siri hapa sio kuchapisha tena kazi zinazopatikana za kikoa cha umma, hata hivyo, ili kubinafsisha na kuweka twist yako maalum juu yao. Mfano unaweza kuwa kitabu The Art of War. Unaweza kukirejesha kitabu hicho kuwa kitu kama Sanaa ya Vita kwa Wataalamu wa Biashara au Sanaa ya Vita kwa Wafanyakazi wa kujitegemea..

Njia nyingine ni kwamba unaweza kuajiri mtu mwingine ili akutengenezee kitabu chako. Hii ni mazoezi ya kawaida katika soko la uchapishaji wa vitabu; these authors are described as “ghost writers.”

Wazo la mwisho kukumbuka ni kwamba hauitaji kutunga kitu kama Vita na Amani. Unaweza kuandika vitabu vifupi zaidi vya Amazon na kuvitoa kwa viwango vya chini vinavyotofautiana $2.99 kwa $4.99, na watu binafsi huchagua vitabu pepe ambavyo ni vifupi zaidi vilivyo na mada mahususi maalum. Kumbuka kwamba ingawa hutapata mapato makubwa kwa kila kitabu kwenye haya, unaweza kutoa idadi kubwa ya wasomaji na kuzitumia kama njia ya kuleta watu binafsi katika mambo mengine unayofanya..

Kutangaza Biashara Yako ya Kitabu pepe

Kuna hila chafu katika ulimwengu wa uchapishaji wa kawaida. Wachapishaji kwa ujumla hawatangazi au kutangaza kikamilifu idadi kubwa ya vitabu wanavyozindua. Ni wale tu kutoka kwa maendeleo, waandishi maarufu sana kupata umakini huu.

Walakini, kama mchapishaji wa biashara ya ebook, utafurahi kuwa na udhibiti sawa juu ya njia yako ya uuzaji na uuzaji. Na chaguzi zote zinapatikana kwa urahisi, lazima usiwe na shida kugundua njia ya kupata jina la kitabu chako( s) nje ulimwenguni na kupata usikivu wa wasomaji watarajiwa.

I suggest a multichannel method– approach the marketing from numerous various angles. Chaneli moja fulani ni mitandao ya kijamii. Tumia fursa ya ukurasa wako wa Facebook, Twitter, Anwani za LinkedIn, na zaidi kupata neno. Wakati kitabu kinatolewa, tafadhali ichapishe kwenye Facebook ikiwa na kiungo cha kurudi kwenye tovuti yako ikiwa na maelezo zaidi na mbinu ya kuagiza, for instance.

Walakini, haitoshi kutuma taarifa moja. Unahitaji kukuza buzz karibu na ebook yako. Motivate individuals to inform pals about your ebook business and got the word out—post material related to your book. Produce contests. Do gifts. Get imaginative with your marketing.

Likewise, you need to promote your book on your blog site, get active in online forums connected to the subject your book has to do with, and inform individuals about it, and if you have an e-mail list, make sure to promote it there too.

You may likewise use a free chapter of your ebook. That will get readers hooked so that they desire more and will purchase the remainder of the ebook.

The secret is to be proactive with your marketing efforts to produce buzz and interest for your book continuously.

Likewise, suppose you’re offering your ebooks on Amazon. In that case, you can do paid advertisements straight on Amazon to promote your books to an extremely target market based upon keyword searches and particular items (like associated books).

Some Dos and Don’ts for a Successful Ebook

Earning money from ebooks isn’t automated. You can’t simply put anything in it and intend to revenue. It’s not an uphill struggle. Walakini, you need to follow some finest practices to make certain your ebook draws attention from readers and produces sales.


Even if you’re composing a book does not suggest you need to stress. With a strategy in place, you can complete your work and put it on sale.

You require to produce an overview for the book to follow, set a schedule for when you’re going to compose (if it’s initial work) au unapoenda kukabiliana nayo, jinsi utakavyouza kitabu, na wakati kila kazi inahitaji kufanywa na kuweka tarehe ya kusudi la uchapishaji wakati itatumika kuuzwa. Ni suala la kuweka wakati kila siku. You can’t simply deal with this when you “feel” like it … otherwise, haitafanyika kamwe.

Chagua Mada Unayoijua

You wish to compose with authority and self-confidence … and enthusiasm. Sio wazo nzuri kuchagua somo hata kama unaamini kuwa linaweza kuuzwa zaidi. Kumbuka. Unaweza kutoa mkataba wa uandishi kila mara kwa mtaalamu pia.

Usifanye Maandishi Yako Kuwa Ya Maua na Magumu

Hakikisha maandishi yako yote ni rahisi kuangalia na kuelewa. Ni bora zaidi kuandika kwa mazungumzo na sio kwa njia ya kitaaluma. Lots of specialists recommend that you need to compose at an eighth-grade writing level.

Usisahau Kuhusu Kusahihisha Biashara Yako ya Kitabu pepe

Check for grammatical mistakes, misspellings, and so on. Ensure you have a relied-on buddy and even an expert proofreader to discuss your ebook before publication. There’s absolutely nothing even worse than launching a book loaded with mistakes– it does not influence self-confidence in your readers, can result in refunds and bad evaluations.

Unda Muundo na Jalada la Kitaalam kwa Biashara yako ya Kitabu pepe

Even if you are self-publishing, does not imply you desire it to like an amateur did it? Work with a graphic designer on a website like Fiverr.com to develop an attractive cover based upon your instructions and input for very little cash. They can likewise set out the interior pages too. Even if your book is self-published does not indicate it needs to feel and look that way.

Kuchukua Hatua Inayofuata ya Kuuza Biashara Yako ya Kitabu pepe Mtandaoni

So now you comprehend why offering ebooks can be such a money-maker, it’s time to start. Find out what kind of ebook you want to offer, where you’ll get the material, na baada ya hapo, where you’re going to provide it with– and how you’ll market it online.

It’s an inexpensive, low-risk service chance that has a big advantage!

MoneyEarns Editorial's: MoneyEarns ni jukwaa ambapo unaweza kujifunza kuhusu mbinu za kupata mapato mtandaoni.

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