Yuqori 5 Ov uchun fanny to'plamlari

Ov uchun fanny to'plamlariOv uchun fanny to'plamlari

Elkama-kamarli sifatli Fanny to'plamlari sizning ov bilan bog'liq umumiy tajribangizni oshiradi. Bu sizga ov jihozlari va qurilmalaringizni saqlash uchun biron bir joyga ega bo'lish afzalligini beradi, ularga yo'lda kirishni oson va tez qilish. Ov qilish uchun eng samarali sifatli kulgili to'plamni tanlash juda qiyin emas, nimani izlash kerakligini tushunganingizdek.

To'g'ri alternativa engil vaznli bo'ladi, saqlash uchun ko'plab cho'ntaklar va bo'limlar bilan, narsalaringizni istalgan vaqtda oddiygina ochiq holda saqlang. Shuningdek, u izda suvsiz qolish uchun shisha bo'linmasi bilan birga bo'lishi kerak.

Ko'proq o'qing

Mana, bozorda mavjud bo'lgan eng samarali ovchilik to'plamlari bo'yicha qo'llanmamiz, Har bir oʻziga xos variantlari bilan birga. Ovchining belbogʻi faqat dalaga chiqqan ovchi uchun zarur boʻlgan eng muhim narsalarni oʻrashga bagʻishlangan bel paketi sifatida tasvirlangan.. Ovchining fanny to'plami har qanday kundalik bel paketidan uzoqda, joggerning bel paketi, yoki, ehtimol, yashirin tashish uchun mo'ljallangan fanny paketi. Shuningdek, Aksariyat ovchilar o'z yuklarini jihozlar bilan to'ldirib, bir daqiqadan so'ng sayohatga tayyor turishadi..

Chunki ular boshqa fanny paketlariga qaraganda turli xil foydalanish uchun mo'ljallangan, ovchilarning fanny paketlari ham boshqacha tarzda ishlab chiqilgan. Masalan, ovchilarning o'yin paketlarini hech qanday o'yinga xalaqit bermaslik uchun tinchroq materialdan yaratishga majbur qilish kerak., neytral ranglarga ega, and be waterproof and prepared to carry up against the weather.

ALPS OutdoorZ Little Bear Fanny Hunting Pack

  • Four Pockets: Main, Front, Two Side
  • Removable Waist Belt with Two Pockets
  • Removable Shoulder Harness
  • Compatible with ALPS OutdoorZ Accessory Pockets
  • Total Capacity: 500 cubic inches
  • Brushed Realtree Xtra HD Fabric
Ko'proq o'qing

ALPS is well known for manufacturing top quality hunting fanny packs and other outdoor apparel and equipment. When you’re a hunter on the go and wish to have all of your gear in one sport, this can be the fanny pack for you.The Alps Outdoorz, little bear waist pack, is a light-weight waist pack that’s designed for the hunter on the go, who still needs to pack gear in. The little Bear options a brushed polyester material and weighs just one lb eight oz. The removable shoulder harness is adjustable and works in conjunction with an adjustable, soft waist belt, allowing you to securely and comfortably carry your gear in the field. The little Bear features a main compartment, front pocket and two side pockets, two waist belt pockets and has a carrying capability of five hundred cubic inches. The little Bear Fanny is additionally compatible with the Alps Outdoorz accessory Pockets.

Technical Information

Style: Daypack/Fanny pack

Overall Dimensions: 14″ x 10″ x 6″

Weight: 1 lb 9 oz

Capacity: 500 cubic inches

Hydration Compatible: Yo'q

Material: Brushed polyester

Number of Pockets: 6

Pocket Dimensions:

  • Main compartment: 12″ x 8″ x 4″
  • Front Pocket: 8″ x 9″
  • Side Pocket (flap closure): 3″ x 5.5″
  • Belt Pocket (x2): 6″ x 4″ x 1″

Frame: None

Adjustable Torso: Ha

ALPS OutdoorZ Big Bear Hunting Day Pack

  • Two packs in one
  • Adjustable shoulder harness
  • Fanny packs expands into day pack
  • Compatible with accessory pockets
  • Pockets: two side, front & main
  • Padded waist belt with easy access pockets
  • Fanny Pack Capacity: 800 cubic inches
  • Total Capacity: 2,700 cubic inches
  • Pack Pack Capacity: 1,900 cubic inches
Ko'proq o'qing

ALPS big Bear Pack can be used as a fanny pack, day pack, or both! The fanny pack features a large extendible day pack that offers you an additional 1,900 cubic inches of space on demand! If you are going on a short trek and only want the capacity of the fanny pack, the expandable day pack section can stow away. The fanny pack features a large main compartment, two side pockets, and a front pocket, providing you with plenty of space to arrange your gear. The large Bear comes with a padded removable waist belt that has a simple access pocket to keep your smaller things handy. Get yours in Brushed Realtree Xtra HD fabric, as well as, Brushed Mossy Oak Break-Up Infinity. With numerous options and uses, the Big Bear is sure to quickly become your favorite pack! Two packs in 1: Adjustable shoulder harness; big Bear is compatible with little bear optional harness pockets (not included); Webbing loops for lashing on additional gear; 800 cu. In. Fanny pack capacity; 1,900 cu. In. Daypack capacity; 2,700 cu. In. Total capacity; Weight: two lbs. Five ozs.; State Camo Pattern. Order yours today! ALPS big Bear Pack.

ALPS OutdoorZ Pathfinder Hunting Pack

  • Fanny pack expands to day pack with adjustable shoulder harness, padded waist belt and H20 pocket and port
  • Day pack fits a wide variety of compound bows and a drop-down pocket to carry your gun
  • Comfortably carry heavy loads and haul meat, qo'shimcha katta yuklar uchun uzaytiruvchi bog'lash tasmalaridan foydalaning
  • Weight: 3 funt. 5 oz., Total Capacity: 44 L
  • ALPS OutdoorZ aksessuarlar cho'ntaklari bilan mos keladi: durbin, kamera va turkiya qo'ng'iroq cho'ntaklari
Ko'proq o'qing

Siz razvedka qilayotganingizda yoki stendingizga borganingizda, Fanny to'plami rejimi asosiy narsalarni olib yurish uchun yoqimli. Yoqimli yostiqli bel kamari va yelka jabduqlari tizimi mavjud bo'lib, u Pathfinderni tashish uchun qulay joy yaratadi va yukni taqsimlashga yordam beradi.. Ko'proq joy kerak bo'lganda, siz shunchaki kunduzgi paket rejimini fanny to'plamidan chiqarasiz, va sizda qo'shimcha bor 1100 kub dyuym bo'sh joy. Kunduzgi paket rejimi tayyor bo'lgach, sizda yo'l topuvchidan yuk tashish yoki kamon ko'tarish rejimida foydalanish imkoniyati mavjud. Yuk tashish rejimida qo'shimcha mato va tasmalar mavjud bo'lib, ular go'sht yoki qo'shimcha jihozlarni tashish uchun qo'shimcha joy yaratadi.. Oxirgi bo'lsa ham, shu darajada muhim bo'lmagan; bir xil ahamiyatga ega bo'lgan, turli xil murakkab kamonlarga mos keladigan kamon cho'ntagi mavjud, va bir marta kirpiklar bilan bog'langan, kamoningiz xavfsiz bo'ladi, va sizning qo'llaringiz bo'sh bo'ladi!

Ushbu to'plamning yana bir ajoyib xususiyati shundaki, u aksessuarlar cho'ntaklari bilan mos keladi (binokulyar cho'ntak va turkiy qo'ng'iroq cho'ntaklari) shuning uchun siz cho'ntaklarni jabduqning old qismiga bog'lashingiz mumkin va o'zingizning eng muhim jihozlaringizni oldingizda va xohlagan vaqtda kirishingiz mumkin.. Aksessuarlar cho'ntaklar ham kichik ayiq va katta ayiq bilan mos keladi.

Texnik tafsilotlar & Xususiyatlari:
Element og'irligi 1.5 Kg
Rang Fırçalanmış MAX-1 HD
Model raqami 9411193
Mahsulot o'lchamlari 14.9 x 11.5 x 6.1 sm
Uzunlik 16.75 dyuym
Kengligi 14 dyuym
Weight 1.95 kilogramm
Parchalar soni 5
Batareyalar kiritilgan? Yo'q
Brendning nomi ALPS OutdoorZ

Badlands Monster Camouflage Hunting Fanny Pack

  • COMPLETE FREEDOM – Small but mighty, Monster Fanny sizning orqangizni qulay bilan ozod qiladi, padded waist belt and a shoulder harness; Plenty of cargo room and well-placed pockets to keep your essentials organized
  • STEALTHY – Badlands’ RealTree Xtra camo is a stealthy pattern that teams up with whisper-quiet KXO-32 fabric to make you practically undetectable to your prey
  • COMFORTABLE CARRY – ThermoMold Suspension utilizes molded foam so ergonomically advanced that it virtually matches every contour of the human form; Lightweight Delron flex frame provides support to reduce fatigue
  • TECHNICAL SPECS – Weighs 2 lb 10 oz (1.2 kg) and measures 9 x 15 x 7 dyuym; Main compartment has a volume of 425 cubic inches (7 L); Total volume is 1100 cubic inches (18 L); 7 pockets.
  • VERSATILE – Ideal for recon or day hiking; Wear it your way with fully adjustable, removable 3-point shoulder straps; 2 integrated fold-down workstation pockets; Compatible with 1-liter hydration systems.
Ko'proq o'qing

For over twenty years, Monster hunting fanny to'plami butun dunyo uchun sifatni belgilab qo'ydi: "Hip is Hauling S.O.B.". Ming kub dyuymdan ortiq saqlash ettita cho'ntagiga tarqaldi, qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun Delron egiluvchan ramka va sozlanishi yelka jabduqlari, Monster fanny to'plami sizni keyingi ovingizda pastga tushish va ifloslanish uchun ozod qiladi. Xuddi shu eski Badlands gumondorlarining hammasi u erda: bardoshli KXO-32™ mato, aramid bilan mustahkamlangan tikuv, Gipalon stress nuqtalari, va bizning shartsiz umr bo'yi kafolatimiz. Hidratatsiya rezervuar qobiliyatini tashlang, va bir necha bedroll kayışlar va Monster bu o'lchamdagi ov to'plami davomida hech qachon kutmagan hamma narsadir.
Ushbu 2 kilogrammli sumka bir litr hidratsiyaga mos keladi, uchta olinadigan yoki sozlanishi elkama-kamar bilan birga keladi, and six pockets to fit everything you wish within the great outdoors.

Carry even heavy loads simply with its ergonomic molded foam and Delron flex-frame, that helps prevent uncomfortable sagging within the pack. The pack is compatible with quiet, easy-to-clean Badlands water bottles and can keep the bottle control safely and snugly.

“Although its name seems contradictory to a Minimalist’s mission, the spacious, versatile Monster (1,000 cubic inches, one large main compartment with five smaller pockets; a pair of pounds fourteen ounces) is lighter and far additional efficient than most day packs,” said Mark Melodic at Outdoor Life.

For those sick of wearing full-sized backpacks hunting, this can be the solution. It’s created well, won’t sag annoyingly, and offers nice water resistance. As mentioned, the fanny pack comes with six pockets, including two workstation-style, fold down pockets for holding your gear on the path.

The craftsmanship of this pack is high-quality and created with the most waterproof, quietest, and strongest material regarding outside hunting packs. If you continue to aren’t convinced, you’ll be glad to grasp that Badlands offers a period assurance that’s unconditional.

Although this bag holds lots of gear, it doesn’t feel as if you’re carrying a great deal. The shoulder straps combined with the waist support band build it straightforward to carry your items.

The versatility of compartments on the fanny pack permits you to put what you wish right wherever you wish it. There’s a wire support running over the bag’s top to keep it durable and control in situ whereas you walk. Though the bag is right for looking, you’ll be able to additionally use it for camping or hiking trips.

Many people struggle with finding a pack that fits comfortably and is additionally easy to take off, but this bag is right for any body size and offers pure quality.

The zippers aren’t as durable as those of another brand, ammo, if you’re careful with them, this shouldn’t cause any problems. Additionally, the even-toed water ungulate enclosed is extremely tiny therefore you will need to induce an even bigger one.

Allen Nomad Waist Pack with Water Bottle Holder, 435 cu. in.

  • Designed with only the toughest, roughest users in mind
  • Padded hip belt, adjusts up to 54″
  • 8″ x 10″ x 6″ main compartment
  • Quiet, waterproof fabric with silent zipper pulls
  • Water bottle pocket
Ko'proq o'qing

The Allen nomad waist pack features three zippered storage compartments totaling 435 cubic inch capability for storing gear. This pack is ideal for hunters and hikers who wish to be nimble on the go. However it is also great for shallow fishing, go bags, or to stay in your truck, packed with emergency gear. The waist belt adjusts up to fifty-two in.

Kategoriyalar: Tavsiya etilgan
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