
why social media marketing is important

在互聯網興起之前, 大多數企業依賴線下營銷策略. 隨著網絡的擴展, 許多企業通過創建網站來代表他們的公司在網上冒險. 這些網站的開發是為了在特定關鍵字的搜索引擎中排名靠前.

For example, 位於長島的牙醫, 紐約, 將創建一個使用關鍵字“長島牙醫”的網站,並嘗試讓其他網站將鏈接發布回他的網站,以便當網絡搜索者輸入這些關鍵字時,讓谷歌等搜索引擎在結果中顯示該網站. 這被稱為搜索引擎優化, 或“搜索引擎優化”.

對於許多在線搜索者來說,定位一個商業網站很快就不夠了, 誰不僅想在長島找牙醫, 但要了解人們對牙醫實踐的看法. 評論網站在網絡上如雨後春筍般湧現, 但這些很容易被企業為自己發布正面評價和對競爭對手的負面評價所操縱.

越來越多的互聯網用戶開始轉向社交網站以獲取實時信息, 來自同行的關於本地企業的誠實信息. 社交平台的回應是讓他們的網站對商業使用更加用戶友好. 直接接觸消費者和簡單的互動模式使社交網站成為吸引潛在新客戶的理想場所, 客戶或病人.

作為社交媒體經理,您將學習在本課程中學到的技能和工具,並將其出售給線上和線下的企業,以幫助他們改進現有的在線社交營銷活動或使其上線, 並開始運行.

您將從每個客戶那裡獲得剩餘收入, 因為您要為他們提供的服務正在進行中. 隨著業務的發展,您會將一些任務外包給虛擬助理 (您遠程使用的人來完成艱苦的工作, 在您管理與客戶的關係時). 您將使用 Facebook 等社交媒體平台, Twitter, YouTube, 領英等. 在您的客戶與其潛在客戶和客戶之間建立更有利可圖的互動.

做對了,這是雙贏的. 你的工作會收回成本. 您的客戶會將您推薦給朋友, 和商業夥伴. 作為社交媒體經理,您將負責為他們設置個人資料——例如創建一個 Twitter 帳戶, 填寫個人資料, 建立追隨者, etc.

此外,您可以為他們的社交媒體資料提供品牌設計, 您可以以一半的價格外包您將收取的費用. 在接下來的幾天和幾週內,您將學習如何完成所有這些以及更多操作.

您還將為他們維護他們的社交媒體帳戶. 對於已經設置了個人資料的客戶,您將執行刪除垃圾郵件等任務, 或為他們及時發佈公告. 大多數社交營銷任務都非常簡單, 但是對於那些忙於經營業務並且不想參與社交媒體營銷的客戶, 它們非常有價值,值得付錢給專家 (你!) 為他們做.


ways to turn prospects into costumers

You have posted some bids on some jobs and sent out a few proposals to prospective clients, so you’re on your way to success, 對? Not necessarily.

Getting an inquiry is one thing. Turning that response into cash in the bank is something else altogether. The way that you handle the initial contact, and develop a subsequent relationship with that prospect, will have a profound impact on whether a lead becomes a client, or a lost opportunity.

In the marketing departments of major corporations, conversion rates – the percentage of inquiries that are actually converted into sales – are accorded a very high priority. And it’s easy to see why. If you’ve already committed yourself to a major marketing campaign, getting a return on that investment depends on getting the best possible conversion rate.

To increase the number of conversions, such companies will invest heavily in testing exploring different approaches to marketing, holding focus groups with prospective customers, and a great deal more. All this costs money, but if it results in the conversion rate increasing significantly, it’s all worthwhile. More sales mean more money in the bank, and a greater profit for a known investment.

For freelancers, maximizing conversion rates is perhaps even more important. After all, you are likely to get only a handful of qualified responses to a particular campaign, so you can’t afford to throw any of them away. You need to convince these potential clients that they did the right thing in contacting you, and that they need your help as soon as possible.

In the last paragraph, I mentioned ‘qualified responses’, and this is an important issue to consider. While you may get a certain number of inquiries, not all of them will be serious prospects. Inevitably, you will encounter some who are just idly curious, or perhaps even researching their own plans for a future career. You may find that the contact is someone junior, and the actual decisions will be made further up the chain.

If it becomes clear that the prospect is not a serious buyer, or has expectations that you cannot meet (such as very low prices, qualifications you don’t have, extremely tight deadlines), then politely decline, and suggest they try elsewhere. Should you discover that you really need to speak to someone higher up the hierarchy, try to arrange a meeting with a more senior person.

OK, so you’ve done all that, and you now have a genuine, qualified prospect interested in doing business with you. They’ve taken the bait, but how do you ensure that they don’t get off the hook before you reel them in? Let’s find out.

Delivering the right impression

We all know the maxim you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. Yet the importance of that first contact is perhaps far more important that we realize.

Research shows that we do indeed make up our minds about people within the first minute of meeting them. We make a snap decision, based on their appearance, manner, approach and speech. And once entrenched, those opinions are very difficult to shift. In the online world this is just as important and the wording of your job bid, your resume and your portfolio are the first impression potential clients are going to get of you.

So be sure to start on a positive note in order to ease the whole sales conversion process. Making the right impression begins with the very first time the prospect gets in touch.

The initial contact

Let’s imagine that you’ve bid on a particular job from our VIP job database, and someone replies to your proposal with some followup questions. In today’s world, they are likely to respond initially either by a skype call or by email.

Your office should also be away from the noise of domestic life. However ‘natural’ it may sound to have your children playing in the background, it’s unlikely to impress a prospective client. If you’re wondering whether someone on the other end of the call can hear that TV in the other room, rest assured that they can.

If you can answer the call in your company’s name, so much the better. The prospective client may well be aware that you’re a one-man band, but the fact that you portray a professional image will be very reassuring.

How do you sound on the phone? Probably not as cool and authoritative as you may think.

Try recording a few of your phone conversations and playing them back. You are likely to find that your speech is full of umms, aahs and repetitions of pet phrases. If you can learn to cut these out and speak with confidence, you will make a much better impression.

Following up

Once the prospect has made the first move, you need to develop the opportunity by following up in a professional manner. If the client contacts you by email, call them back on the phone – unless they specifically ask you to reply by email. The call allows you to make more of an impact with expressions, discussion and tone of voice.

If you do reply by email, try to overcome the limitations of this form of communication. Handled badly, an email message can come across as being cold and impersonal – but it doesn’t have to be like that. Adopt a friendly approach, using short words and everyday phrasing. Talk about how ‘I can help you’, and be sure to thank the prospect for getting in touch and taking an interest.

If the prospect asks you to send samples in the post or by email, pick your best examples and take some time to create a quality presentation. This person is already half way to becoming a customer, so it’s well worth taking the time and effort to do this well.

And don’t delay. If someone expresses an interest, respond immediately while their level of interest is still high. If you are slow in replying, you may find that your potential customer has lost interest, or taken profitable custom elsewhere.

Meeting the prospect

If you are able to arrange a meeting with your prospective client, you have a great chance to make an impression and persuade the customer to buy your services. While it is possible nowadays to work for clients you have never met, you will always have an advantage if you can build a face-to-face relationship.

The biggest factor in ensuring a successful meeting lies in preparation. Take some time to research the client company, using the Internet and obtaining any relevant brochures, etc. Make sure you know how to find the company, allowing plenty of time for delays and other problems. It’s much better to arrive an hour early, and stop somewhere for a coffee, than to turn up five minutes late – flustered and out of breath.

It’s completely up to you what to wear to these face to face meetings but if in doubt try to be more smart then casual, what’s important is the clients’ perception. Even if you choose fairly casual clothes, it is important to pay attention to details such as cleaning your shoes. The time and attention you spend on yourself will be assumed to reflect the time and attention you invest in your work.

You may be nervous if you’re meeting an important prospect or if you’re new to the business of freelancing. This is perfectly normal, and should not worry you unduly. Just try and speak with confidence, and give the interview your best shot.

The personal touch that gets results.

People do business with people they like

It’s another business maxim, but again it holds a great deal of truth. There are plenty of freelancers to choose from, so why do business with someone they don’t get on with?

That doesn’t mean you have to possess a winning smile or a fantastic sense of humor to get on with people. It means that you need to put some effort into building a business relationship that benefits both parties. To do this, you have to be prepared to ‘give’ something to the client. You need to be friendly, approachable, and understanding.

In fact, you won’t go too far wrong if you follow the Ten Commandments of Human Relations.

1. Speak to people. There is nothing as nice as a cheerful word of greeting.

2. Smile at people. It takes 72 muscles to frown, only fourteen to smile.

3. Call people by name. The sweetest music to anyone’s ears is the sound of his or her own name.

4. Be friendly and helpful. If you want friends, be friendly.

5. Be cordial. Speak and act as if everything you do is a genuine pleasure.

6. Be genuinely interested in people. You can like almost anybody if you try.

7. Be generous with praise, cautious with criticism.

8. Be considerate with the feelings of others. There are usually three sides to a controversy; yours, the other fellow’s and the right one.

9. Be ready to give service. What counts most in life is what we do for others.

10. Add to this a good sense of humor, a big dose of patience and a dash of humility,

and you will be rewarded many-fold.

Making every contact count

Don’t be too surprised if your client doesn’t immediately start writing out a purchase order. Choosing a freelancer can be an important decision that has ramifications beyond the simple cost of your time. The work that you produce will most likely be part of a much larger whole, which could be seriously compromised if you don’t deliver the goods.

So give the prospect time to become comfortable with your style and approach. This might involve more than one meeting, or a number of telephone or email conversations.

To make the most of each of these contact points, think of yourself as a consultant, not as a salesperson. You should be helping the client through ‘consultative selling’ – providing solutions to specific problems, not just selling your wares.

To achieve this, you need to involve the prospect in the discussion. Listen to her as she explains exactly what is required, and aim to gain the best possible understanding. Only then will you be in a position to show how you can resolve these issues and problems with the services that you have to offer.

Closing the sale

Even with the softest and most consultative approach, however, you must persuade the customer to purchase your services at some point. Closing the sale is a phrase that immediately brings to mind tough-negotiating sales reps who won’t leave without the order. Yet closing the sale is a natural part of the business process.

Although you can’t force the customer to purchase (and shouldn’t want to), you can take steps to lead the discussion in the right direction.

Sell the benefits

First of all, remember to focus on the benefits you can offer. We looked at this subject earlier in the book, when we talked about ‘selling the sizzle’ when planning your business. Stressing the benefits is particularly important when you are reaching the point of sale.

People commonly confuse features with benefits, and so lose half the impact of their presentation. If you’re looking to buy – say – a power drill.

What’s important to you? Is it the speed of the drill, the range of bits available, or the power rating? Nope. What’s really important is the ability to drill holes. Speed, power, and so on are just features that enable you to reach this goal.

The same is true when freelancing. The fact that you have great qualifications and lots of experience means nothing in itself. These are just ‘features’ which demonstrate your ability to do the job. So when selling your services, don’t focus on what you have done in the past – concentrate on what you can do for the prospect now.

Counter objections

Even the most enthusiastic prospect will have some objections that you will need to overcome.

People need to be reassured that they are making the right decision, that they have considered every likely difficulty and haven’t overlooked anything important.

The key to handling objections is preparation. Most of the issues prospects will raise are predictable, which means you can work out your response in advance. If your rates are high, for example, you know that the client may raise a price objection. If you’re prepared in advance, you can then handle this by showing how the quality of your work enhances results and minimizes risks.

Do this methodically. Put yourself in the prospects shoes, and think of every possible objection that could be raised against using your services. Then prepare honest but persuasive arguments that show why this is not really an issue.

If you can counter every objection with a reasonable response, you will remove just about every obstacle to the sale. All that remains then is to…

Ask for the order

This is something that many people fail to do, but which is critical in getting the sale. If you leave the buying decision solely in the clients’ hands, you will lose business unnecessarily.

If you have been through the processes we have looked at in this chapter, your prospect should be ready to buy. You have understood the problem, suggested a solution and overcome objections. Now don’t throw away all that hard work by failing to ask for the order.

If you think the client is not yet ready to commit to an entire project, suggest starting on a small piece of work as a ‘test’ piece. This reduces the risk to the client, but sets all the wheels in motion for a long-term relationship. Once you have completed the first project successfully, it is highly likely that the client will continue using you, rather than risk starting the process again with another freelancer.

Don’t give up

With the best will in the world, you are not always going to be successful in achieving a sale in the short term. But if you persevere, there is every reason to expect that success will come in due course.

Brian Epstein, the manager of the Beatles, was rejected by almost every record company in Britain when trying to secure a record contract for his band of hopeful musicians.

The band was finally signed up by practically the last company he could try, a label that normally sold classical music.

What if he had given up after the first rejection, or the third or even the tenth?

Salesmen are often taught that every ‘no’ is a step on the way towards ‘yes’. If you are prepared to persevere, and a have a service of real value to offer, you can expect many of your new prospects to ultimately become long-term customers.


make money online

Generating income online has actually gotten harder over the last few years. Google has actually made it so that just big sites with lots of backlinks and long, top quality material generally rank well in the most competitive specific niches. Unless you are currently developed, it’s a great deal of work to generate income with sites and blog sites.

There’s one simple method to take benefit of the existing environment, and that is to provide your services as a freelance designer!

Using services is an excellent method to earn money without needing to take on countless other sites in a single market, and without needing to invest substantial quantities of cash on advertisements. You do not require a single cent to get begun as long as you currently have a computer system, web connection, and some standard style software application. (Even if you do not, there are workarounds.

You can lease a quite good laptop computer or desktop computer system from a location like Aaron’s, utilize complimentary web at a library or coffee store, and lease software application through Adobe Creative Cloud for a couple of dollars per month.) You do not even need to have excellent style abilities. It’s possible to make good loan as a designer with little to no existing ability.

Simply view a couple of guide videos on YouTube, and you’ll be producing fundamental graphics in no time! You can constantly move into more intricate styles as your abilities development.

All set to find out how to earn money as a designer? Let’s start.

Prior to you can generate income as a freelance designer, there are a couple of things you should have. If you’re reading this, you most likely currently have all of these, or a minimum of the majority of them. If not, we’ll discuss a couple of methods to get what you require without investing countless dollars in advance.

Here’s what you require, at minimum:

1. A Decent ComputerYou can’t get away with utilizing a computer system with extremely low specifications. Today’s graphics software application bundles all utilize significant resources, so utilizing a 10-year-old laptop computer with 4 GB of memory simply isn’t going to work.

Good Internet– Again, you can’t utilize truly sluggish web an anticipate to do well. You require at least a 3 Mbps connection to be efficient.

Style SoftwareAdobe Photoshop is extremely suggested, as there is more assistance in the type of tutorials, add-ons, and so on.

Let’s talk about some of the methods you can get access to the things you require to get begun.

Computer system

It’s essential to have a good computer system if you wish to develop graphics, since many software application plans utilized by designers need a great deal of system resources to work appropriately. You’ll require a good processor, a minimum of 6-8 GB of memory, and a great graphics card, at minimum.

It’s likewise handy to have a bigger disk drive, as the files you’ll require to keep on it will frequently be rather big. You can get around this requirement by either utilizing an external tough drive to keep a lot of your files, or utilizing cloud storage like Dropbox.Getting a good computer system does not always have to suggest costs hundreds of dollars in advance.

A great deal of individuals can’t pay for to purchase a brand-new computer system outright. Funding is most likely your finest alternative, however bear in mind that if you do not have fantastic credit, you’ll wind up paying a lot more for your computer system, since interest charges on alternatives that do not need excellent credit are generally really high.A great deal of locations will assist you fund a computer system without terrific credit.

Keep in mind to select a computer system that has great specifications, due to the fact that it’s not going to work to have a computer system that will not run the software application you require to utilize.


Not everybody has access to quick internet where they live. There are still a great deal of dead zones worldwide, and often it’s simply not inexpensive to have web, even if it is available where you live. Quick web can frequently cost $100 each month, or more, and if there are no inexpensive alternatives where you live, you might believe you can’t generate income as a freelancer.

The very first alternative is utilizing mobile web. If you have a mobile phone, you might be able to utilize it as an individual hotspot in order to access the web from your computer system.

If you do not have a phone that has a hotspot function, you might be able to get a devoted hotspot gadget through your cellular phone provider. Of course, you’ll have to be mindful about how much bandwidth you utilize, as mobile bandwidth is typically rather pricey, and evenendlessstrategies are never ever really unrestricted.

The 2nd alternative is to utilize the web at a location like a regional college, library, cafe, or dining establishment. Lots of locations have complimentary WiFi nowadays, although some do need a little purchase to be able to utilize it. Even extremely backwoods typically have some type of complimentary web alternative.

Software application

Okay, software application is a bit more difficult, due to the fact that aside from theft (which I certainly do NOT excuse), there’s no other way to truly get the kind of software application you require totally free. You might attempt to manage utilizing complimentary options, however bear in mind that there will not be as much assistance free of charge software application. There simply isn’t most likely to be anywhere near the range you ‘d discover for software application like Adobe Photoshop if you look for add-ons and tutorials.

As far as totally free graphics software application, GIMP is the most effective choice, and has one of the most assistance of any totally free program.
Photoshop is the method to go if you’re looking for power and assistance. You no longer have to shell out hundreds of dollars in advance to purchase the software application. You can just get onto a regular monthly strategy through the Adobe Creative Cloud program.

Yes, it’s still reasonably expensive, however for software application this effective and with the possible to make you as much cash as this one, it’s well worth it. You can get Photoshop (with Lightroom) for $9.99 monthly, or you can pay $49.99 each month to get all 20+ Adobe apps, consisting of Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Premier Pro and more.

> https://creative.adobe.com/plans

Trainees can get the $49.99 strategy for simply $29.99. The standard strategy will be great when you’re simply getting started, unless you prepare to provide video editing or logo design production, in which case you ‘d require other apps like Premier and Illustrator.

成熟的簡單的方法,要得到報酬在線觀看視頻 2019

get paid to watch videos

我們大多數人都喜歡看電影和電視 — 我們大多數人也沉迷於觀看在線視頻. 如果我告訴你有很多方法可以通過你的這種癮獲得額外收入,你會相信我嗎??

看起來很瘋狂, 對?

但它是準確的! — 你實際上可以通過觀看視頻簡單地獲得報酬 — 你能做的越多, 你賺的越多.


雖然在大多數情況下, 這可以被認為是互聯網上最好的兼職工作之一,可以賺取一點點額外的錢; 網上有很多機會付出的代價要高得多 — 你可以考慮做更長的時間, 或者全職.


為了減輕他們的懷疑, 以下是精選的”21 用於付費觀看視頻的基於應用程序的網站” 通過現金和/或禮品卡.

所以繼續選擇 & 準備好做一些方便的 $$, 平躺在你最喜歡的沙發上.

21 付費觀看視頻的應用程序或網站

1.網飛 是在線觀看電影和其他電影獲得報酬的最佳方式之一.

保持其編程前沿, 這種流行的電影流媒體服務僱用被稱為標記者的人. 他們唯一的工作 — 正如標題所暗示的 — 只是為了觀看 Netflix 節目, 電影和特輯,並通過使用準確的元數據適當地標記它們來在線賺錢.

這些標籤使 Netflix 觀眾可以更輕鬆地根據他們最喜歡的類別或他們以前可能看過和喜歡的內容來查找特定內容.

提個醒, 此類別中的位置極為罕見,並在可用時在 Netflix 工作板中發布. 但是,如果您更喜歡狂看 Netflix 內容並了解一起看起來很棒的內容 — 這可能只是你的理想工作.

2. 尼爾森
通過觀看視頻賺錢的最簡單方法之一是使用 尼爾森.

這家著名的媒體公司著眼於美國人在電腦和移動設備上觀看的內容. 尼爾森數字語音讓美國家庭有機會通過他們的觀看習慣告訴全世界 — 通過下載 Nielsen 應用程序.

他們不僅可以盡情觀看自己喜歡的節目 — 但他們也會通過每月的現金獎勵獲得報酬.

有趣的是, 這裡絕對不涉及正式的申請程序,大多數家庭是隨機選擇的. 您應該經常檢查您的電子郵件,因為他們通常通過您的個人電子郵件發送邀請.

3. 全國消費者小組

眾所周知,這些企業偶爾會僱人看視頻和電視 — 通過他們的移動程序監控平均媒體使用情況. 然後,公司會根據需要使用這些信息來糾正其營銷策略.

支出通常不會超過每年幾百美元, 但這項工作令人興奮,可以讓您在一天結束時在銀行賬戶上賺到一筆可觀的現金.

4. 應用預告片
可在 Google Play 和 App Store 上獲得, 該計劃獎勵您觀看許多不同電影的積分, 促銷, 視頻和音樂視頻 — 然後可以兌換現金或禮品卡.

這只是觀看電影獲得報酬的極好方法之一, 廣告和許多其他類型的電影.

5. 振興電視
另一個在互聯網上輕鬆觀看視頻和賺錢的更好選擇是 Perk TV.

在開始時, 這裡提供不同的應用程序. 用戶可以賺取 — 特權點 — 通過觀看視頻, 電視短片, 參加測驗等等. 您甚至可以通過觀看促銷廣告或特殊視頻來獲得小額獎金.

一旦您獲得了大量的 Perk 積分, 你可以用它們換取金錢或禮券.

6. 維格爾
如果你是一個電視癮君子, 您甚至可以通過 Viggle 在電視上觀看電影和廣告來賺錢.

它是 Perk TV 花束中最受歡迎的應用程序之一, 觀看電視獲得獎勵的地方. 它是如何工作的,你需要 — 報到 — 當你粘在普通電視上的特定顯示器上時.

為了做到這一點, 您將獲得一組固定因素的獎勵, 您可以兌換成現金或獲得其他獎勵.

7. 喜樂
Slidejoy 讓觀看視頻變得非常簡單. 您絕對可以通過在網絡上觀看電影預告片和廣告來獲得報酬.

它基本上是一個免費的移動應用程序,它會向您付款 — $$$ — 每次打開智能手機. 會發生什麼是你每次這樣做時都會看到一個交互式廣告.

企業支付應用程序將其放在那裡, 和他們, 反過來, 與您討論收入的一小部分. 您甚至可以通過向您的朋友介紹此應用程序或連接您的 FB 帳戶來獲得額外積分.

8. 融通現金
FusionCash 允許您通過觀看電影形式的視頻獲得報酬, 廣告, 拖車等等.

對於初學者, 你得到一個直 $5 — 只為註冊. 您還可以通過點擊廣告獲得報酬, 聽音頻並推薦你的朋友.

您至少需要 $25 為您的信用,直到您可以兌現, 但是對於新加入者的一系列優惠應該是小菜一碟.

9. 我的積分
可在 App Store 和 Google Play 商店購買, MyPoints 應用程序用於觀看視頻以賺取零售品牌的禮品卡和退款.

但你也可以通過觀看有趣的視頻來製作 (500 每天積分) 和享受網絡遊戲 (獲得 10 每美元點數). 還有機會贏取酷 $10 獲得第一個獎金 $20.

付款形式為禮品卡和 PayPal 現金.

10. Swagbucks
由於其多功能性,這只是目前最受歡迎的賺錢應用程序之一. 您不僅有機會通過觀看在線視頻來賺錢, 但你也可以通過調查賺錢. Additionally, 你通過玩遊戲甚至網上購物來賺錢.

您完成的每項活動都會為您賺取積分,而積分又可以兌換金錢獎品, 使用 PayPal 付款或您選擇的禮品卡.

11. 收件箱美元
如果你有心情做一個 $5 註冊獎金並通過看電影輕鬆賺錢 , 那麼這是一個極好的選擇.

提個醒; 您還可以通過完成其他一些簡單的任務來獲得收益,例如 — 參加調查, 閱讀電子郵件並嘗試免費路線等.


12. 現金箱
您希望年滿 13 歲才有資格免費加入本網站, 而是來自美國. 然而,他們也接受來自其他英語國家的人.

推薦是通過觀看您收到的視頻分享來賺錢的最佳方式 20% 您推薦的內容’ 在這個網站上製作. 經常看視頻也能讓你爽 $20-50 每月額外.


13. 收入站
它以其推薦應用程序而聞名, 成員可以在其中保持聯繫 10 自己朋友賺的錢的百分比 — 終生.

等等還有更多, 你可以多掏錢 $5 如果你的朋友讓 $5 — 就在他們自己的一個月內,如果您報名參加,還有額外的 10 美元獎金 5 合作夥伴網站.

加, 你通過觀看視頻得到補償, 在互聯網上玩遊戲, 進行調查和在線購物

14. Points2shop
積分累積和現金支付系統是這個免費使用的應用程序的主要用途. However, 雖然你可以用錢換積分, 反之亦然是不允許的.

Also, 積分只能兌換一個 $50 亞馬遜禮品卡 (目前可供美國員工使用 ) 或亞馬遜網站上提供的商品.

雖然它可能無法覆蓋此列表中的其他一些網站, 您仍然可以通過在互聯網上觀看視頻來賺錢, 一個體面的 $20-30 monthly . 你也會被責怪獎金 250 積分 (值得 $2.50) 入學時.

15. 全球測試市場
在開始時, 這真的是一個調查網站,您可以通過預告片賺錢或賺取積分, 廣告, 視頻 (可以兌換成 Bloomindales 的禮品卡, 亞馬遜和梅西百貨) 並完成調查.

但您也可以通過觀看視頻和電影預告片,然後分享您對它們的看法來通過 PayPal 賺錢.

同樣巨大的積極因素是他們擁有超過 400 萬會員 40 橫跨北美的國家, 歐洲和亞太地區,並聲稱已獲得超過 3000 萬美元的獎勵 2016.

16. 現金海盜
您希望如何獲得海盜幣獎勵 (虛擬品種) 你可以用它換取獎勵? 矛盾的是, 該程序可讓您觀看視頻並賺錢, 用於探索和試用免費計劃或完成民意調查.

更, 您還可以在睡覺時賺取更多硬幣 — 通過推薦你的朋友. 你要保持 10 他們收入的百分比和另一個 5% 你的好友推薦的他們的好友 — 現在不是一個極好的報價?

17. InstaGC
你喜歡看視頻嗎, 完成調查, 網上購物, 或者只是瀏覽網頁? 如果是這樣的話, 你有機會通過下載這個程序並這樣做來贏得勝利.

作為回報, 該網站使用電子禮品卡付款 (從中選擇 350+ 禮品卡) 和電子支票 (目前可通過電子郵件發送給來自美國的員工, 澳大利亞, 加拿大和英國) 您可以使用 PayPal 兌換獎勵 (英國, 加拿大 & 我們).

您還將獲得額外的獎金 10 來自英國的每個有效和確認的會員註冊的積分, 我們, 加拿大或澳大利亞.

18. 快速獎勵
該網站是一個免費的忠誠度計劃,僅適用於美國永久居民, 英國和加拿大.

該網站包括多種通過觀看視頻賺錢的方式, 完成調查, 沉迷於網絡購物和網絡遊戲

與它的名字保持一致, 該網站聲稱可以處理 PayPal 付款,費用低至 1 美分 72 小時或禮品卡開始於 $5 一周內.

19. 禮物綠巨人
該網站為其全球會員提供贏取獨特數字貨幣或綠巨人硬幣的機會, 只需回答調查; 你甚至可以通過玩遊戲獲得報酬, 看電影和瀏覽網絡.

會員獲得的另一種激勵 5000 招收新兵的綠巨人幣. Additionally, 額外的 5 當他/她通過完成報價牆贏得綠巨人硬幣時,他們的收入百分比, 提供, 調查和 GiftHulk TV.

20. 抓點
這個免費的應用程序將為您提供簡單的工作積分,使其成為最好的獎勵計劃之一. 觀看視頻是獲得報酬的絕佳機會, 接受調查以推薦您的朋友.

註冊後,您可以選擇輸入邀請碼 — 你將被記入 500 立即積分. 想要賺取更多積分? 看看他們的下載應用程序部分 — 它將涵蓋更多.

您可以使用這些東西以禮品卡和現金返還的形式兌換很多很棒的好處. 這包括選擇 100 張卡片,或者您可以決定通過 PayPal 輸出金錢.

21. 付費YouTube
這是一個相當新的在線平台,您可以通過觀看視頻賺錢. 一旦你注意到一個視頻,你就會賺到 $0.005. 您可以觀看的電影數量沒有限制.

相似地, 你也會得到補償 $0.10 (每條評論), $0.01 (每次評估 ) and $0.15 對於您獲得的每個訂閱.

每次推薦人看到您製作的視頻時 $0.01, 每一個評級都會讓你 $0.05; 每次這些人發表評論時,都會向您記入等量的金額.

一旦您的帳戶顯示信用 $10, 您可以通過 PayPal 提出付款請求. 這個過程通常需要大約 30 business days.


對於那些每天大部分時間都在網上度過的人, 註冊這些程序以觀看視覺內容可能是個好主意 — 賺取一些額外的錢.

您不僅可以通過觀看視頻獲得報酬,還可以通過這些應用獲得報酬 通過完成調查提供獎勵, 閱讀郵件或只是下載應用程序

最好的部分, however, 是對您可以註冊的程序數量沒有限制 — 即使對於那些從事正常職業的人來說,這也轉化為有利可圖的賺錢機會.


earn money playing video games


好! 如果您是一個狂熱的遊戲玩家,並且喜歡整天玩電子遊戲,那麼現在您可以將這一愛好變成全職工作.

您不會以為現在就可以在線玩遊戲了. 在本指南中, 我們會通知您 7 玩各種遊戲賺錢的方法.

並非所有選擇都會使您賺錢,但您應該從中選擇任何人嗎? 7 一心一意地專注於它,那麼你肯定可以創造一個被動的收入.

因此,通過清單選擇任何 1 最適合您的方式.

儘管在線玩Trivia Games不太可能為您賺到足夠的現金. 但, 這可能是入門的好方法.


除了為點擊廣告付費, 觀看視頻和進行調查Swagbucks還為在線玩遊戲付費.

可以從免費玩遊戲開始,這會讓您的SB (Swagbuck的Point方法 ). 如果您想賺更多的錢,那麼您需要結合他們的”付費玩” 程序.

可以解決 $.04 to $.05 在每個 $1 你花在玩比賽上. 可以將資金存入您的GSN帳戶並開始.


就像Swagbucks, Inboxdollars還向您支付玩遊戲的費用. 將資金存入帳戶後, InboxDollar將為您連接WorldWinner帳戶.

你可以賺 $.01 — $.04 在每個 $1 你投資.

另外你得到5% — 2% 您參加現金錦標賽所花費的每一美元都可以賺錢.


您甚至可以通過將應用程序下載到手機上來賺錢. HQ Trivia是目前最熱門的遊戲計劃之一.

在典型的總部獎池中,獎品約為 $2500. 你必須參加 12 特里奇瑣事回合,有機會拆分獎池.



在這裡您加入一個網站, 在您的計算機上下載軟件, 從列表中選擇您需要玩的遊戲,達到特定目標後,您將獲得積分或獎勵.

For example, 最受歡迎的遊戲網站之一PlayVig.com使用PlayVIG硬幣獎勵您,這些硬幣以後可以兌換成真錢並可以通過PayPal檢索.



1000 PlayVIG硬幣= $1. 各種遊戲對您的影響不同. 平均而言,您可以賺取介於 $.30 and $3 每小時,具體取決於您的遊戲體驗.

另一個比較流行的賭博網站是PlayersLounge. 您可以在PS4上在線玩其他遊戲, Xbox One或您的PC中.



麥登 19
在這裡您必須支付報名費才能加入這場比賽. 例如Madden 19 費用 $20 裝飾是 $36 但是Fortnite的入場費是 $2.5 和獎是 $4.5.


電子競技適合有經驗和熟練的玩家. 這是合法賺錢的唯一途徑.

泳池裝飾可以左右 $1 百萬, 從...開始 $100,000.

史詩遊戲’ Fornite大約支付了 $100 今年有百萬玩家進入.

如果您是最好的遊戲玩家, 您將可以在互聯網上找到為優勝者提供獎品的錦標賽.

ESports適合所有人, 您只需要征服其他玩家來證明自己的價值.

PC遊戲,如英雄聯盟, 守望先鋒, 刀塔 2 等等有錦標賽,這為您提供了機會,通過玩視頻遊戲來賺更多的錢.

金錢將在您和您的員工之間分配. 為團隊尋找一組熟練的玩家可能是一項艱鉅的任務.




黃金耕種只是買賣遊戲貨幣的東西. 這將使您提高個性並在遊戲中前進.

您可以找到黃金並以現實世界的價格出售. 這就是所謂的黃金種植.

例如, 如果您正在玩《魔獸世界》,那麼您可以進行突襲並收集掉落的物品進行出售,並在途中找到黃金並以真錢出售.

大多數遊戲公司不允許這種做法,並嚴格禁止. 但是有些人確實允許耕種並鼓勵耕種.


However, 種植黃金所需的時間可能太多. 給您一種賺錢的感覺 $1, 你需要種田 1000 金. 對於 $100 你想種田 300,000 金.

相似地, 您可能會積極玩遊戲併購買 & 賣東西 $5 — $20.


遊戲測試本質上是一種質量保證 (質量檢查) 檢查昆蟲的工作, 重新創建並報告它們.


平均而言,遊戲測試人員的薪水介於 $10 and $15 每次測試. 一個全職的遊戲測試員可以賺到 $15,000 (低端) to $35,000 (高端) 在一年以內.

您可以在Indeed.com或Monster.com上找到遊戲測試工作。. 使用大學學位實際上會增加被錄用的機會.


我一定在文章的封面上提到了這一點,因為如果您喜歡玩遊戲,這可能是最受歡迎的在線賺錢方式之一. However, 並非每個人都能做到這一點.

隨著Twitch等直播網站的興起 & YouTube現在熱心的遊戲玩家可以在欣賞遊戲的同時向全世界播報自己.

在抽搐, 彩帶廣播給全球數百萬觀眾.

如果您擁有大量粉絲,可以每天流式傳輸視頻並賺很多錢. 只是想告訴您Twitch最好的彩帶 $500,000 一個月這樣做.


However, 為了賺錢,您的評論必須吸引人,而不是緩慢而無聊的獨白.

到底, 如果您是成功的遊戲玩家,並且也了解如何通過玩遊戲來賺錢,那麼您可以通過撰寫博客與他人分享自己的經驗, 創建電子書, 遊戲指南和教程等.


當您開始為博客吸引足夠的查看者時,您可以使用Google Adsense裝飾它並通過廣告創收.

之後, 您甚至可以將電子書和教程賣給您的關注者,從而賺更多的錢.


這些曾經是 7 玩遊戲賺錢的方法. 新手玩家可以從報告中的第一個選項開始. 當您獲得一些經驗時,您可能會逐步進入其他想法.

贏得Playstation獎杯 — 1000 積分可以交換 $10.
賣出您的帳戶 — 您可以將您的高價值遊戲帳戶出售給其他遊戲玩家.
在Steam上玩遊戲 — 您可以在這裡賺取板條箱,每板條箱可以出售 $.50.

10 Tiрѕ著tоStаrtаnOnlinе業務WithоutInvеѕtmеnt

online business

如今每個人都想成為一名企業家, 但唯一讓他們退縮的是缺錢. 銀行不願意貸款給初創企業, 艱難的經濟環境使得很難從朋友和家人那裡借錢, 並通過您的信用卡為其提供資金會帶來很大的風險.

如果你確實需要一些腰帶, 政府支持的創業貸款適用於被銀行拒絕的人. 但資金並不總是必要的. 好消息是讓您遵循一些基本規則, 在沒有投資的情況下開始在線業務是完全可能的. 這是怎麼做的:

1- 在線廣告點擊工作

這是最直接的在線工作,因為即使是 10 年孩子可以做到這一點. 在這項工作中, 你需要點擊 & 查看廣告 & 每次滑動獲得報酬 & 每一個廣告.

你可以賺 $200 to $400 或者更多,如果你工作 15-30 每天在合法 PTC 上的分鐘數 (突襲到slisk) 網站.


  • 加入一些最好的 & 合法的 PTC 站點
  • 每天登錄您的同事
  • 每天查看您所有的廣告

2- 獲得報酬以完成任務 & 優惠

另一個在線商業理念 : Gеtраid соmрlеtеоffеrѕоr GPT 是аnоther 概念ѕimilаr ѕаr toоаdclicking jobѕ уоu еаrnеxtrа $200+ 通過工作 15-30 每天一分鐘.

在這個在線工作中, 您需要處理各種任務,例如在網站上登錄, 賽車遊戲, 在論壇上發言, сomрlеtingѕmаllѕurvеuѕ, 看視頻等.

提供 GPT 的服務很少,但我們已經選擇了 5 如果你註冊最好在哪裡 & 在這些上工作, 你可以賺到一些不錯的收入.

3- 在線圖表巡迴工作

這也是一個非常簡單的國際工作,你必須輸入 Cаrtсhа 才能賺到錢. 驗證碼圖像包含 4-10 您必須識別的特徵 & 輸入.

你可以輸入 1000 驗證碼在 1-2 hоurѕ 取決於你 tурingѕрееd.

如果你工作 4 每天小時, 那麼你最多可以賺到 USD $400 ѕоlving Cаrtсhаѕ. 我們準備了一份清單 10 最好的入口是你可以簽名的地方 & 立即開始賺錢.

4- 從 YouTube 賺錢

從來沒有比現在更好的時候利用 YоuTube 提供的機會開始在線業務並從中賺錢.

即使是正常人也做不到 $500+ 從這個方法.

有隻是 2 Star 從 YouTube 賺取收入-

  1. 加入其合作夥伴計劃 – 查看有關 YouTube 合作夥伴計劃的完整信息.
  2. 上傳人們可以欣賞的高質量視頻 – 查找頂部 25 在這裡製作視頻的想法.

全世界有數百萬人通過簡單地上傳不同的視頻來賺錢。. 您可以查看一些由此發家致富的百萬富翁.

5- 來自 Google 的在線工作

谷歌提供的在線商務工作是互聯網上最熱門的賺錢選擇之一. 這個程序的名稱是 Google AdSense.

Gооglе AdSеnѕе 無疑是沒有. 1 比世界上任何在線工作機會. 出於一切 100 reorle 誰讓在線 insome, 多於 70 Reorle 通過 Google AdSense 賺取收入.

他們要么兼職 & 賺 $250+ 或全職工作並賺取美國收入 $500+ (盧比 30,000+).

6- 從您的智能手機賺錢

這是從您的智能手機中賺取一些收入的最佳方式之一,無論是 Android 智能手機還是 iPhone. 有數以百計的最佳移動應用程序,它們為您提供簡單的優惠.

我們已入圍 20 擁有數以千計的最佳應用程序 & 支付更好的收入.

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下載智能戳 2 為Android


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使用智能戳 2 很簡單: 你可以在地圖上滑動手指,看到任何地區, 把它放在一個區域來放大, and, 簡而言之, 竭盡所能與正常的地圖應用程序. 此外, 我們可以選擇哪些口袋妖怪我們感興趣的, 當附近的一個看似接收警報.

智能戳是一個非常有益的補充神奇寶貝GO玩家. 寵物小精靈地圖的偉大工程, 它的直觀.

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智能戳 2 是一個應用程序,使其更容易找到神奇寶貝神奇寶貝GO.

只需輕點自動定位按鈕, 等待幾秒鐘, 很快你會看到附近所有的神奇寶貝. 當您選擇地圖上的任何生物的, 你可以看到你有多久消失之前.

它易於使用智能打招呼 2. 您可以在地圖上四處滑動你的手指看到任何區域, 用兩個手指來放大, 基本上做一切你可以用普通的地圖做. 另外,您可以選擇的神奇寶貝,你的興趣收到通知時,一個就在附近.

智能戳 2 是對任何人有用的應用程序誰是沉迷於神奇寶貝GO. 口袋妖怪地圖效果很好, 直觀, 細細狩獵神奇寶貝更容易的方式.智能戳的.apk 下載顯示您的手機上實時地圖捕捉寵物小精靈的. 智能戳APK 可以免費在這裡下載,並會幫助你完成 圖鑑. 該 智能戳 2 安卓APK 是一個必須有應用程序為所有的寵物小精靈棋手獲得競爭優勢.

  • Apk Size: 28MB
  • 最新APK版本: POK v0.4d2 (11)
  • 目標: Android 5.1 (棒棒糖MR1, API 22)
  • 需求: Android 4.2 (果凍豆MR1, API 17)


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智能戳 2 Features.



  • 它是完全免費下載, 安裝, 和使用,你不需要支付在應用程序的任何報價,以及.
  • 所有在他們的行星存在的小寵物可以發現與此應用程序的幫助,讓你在正確的位置為他們抓到.
  • 這也很容易,需要互聯網連接和GPS設置,以便它可以找到這些小寵物的你.

為了得到這個程序, 下載智能戳 2 現在從我們的網站和捕獲所有的寵物小精靈. 請訪問該網站獲取更多免費遊戲和應用程序.

智能捅要求 2

  • 最低限度 512 MB RAM所需的應用程序.
  • Android版本 4.2 最多是必需的.
  • 有效的Internet連接來搜索活.
  • 最低限度 30 MB的可用空間是必要的.

如何使用智能捅 2 APK Android上

  • 直接下載鏈接下載V2 .apk文件.
  • 複製android手機安裝上.
  • 從.apk文件安裝的應用程序一樣安裝其他應用程序.
  • 打開該應用,並開始搜索現場小寵物.

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4 播放模式,讓你的球你想要的方式:

•播放現在 - 勝利之前,你的對手玩. 選擇一個團隊,並直接跳轉至球賽.

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sonic cd icon

索尼克CD是提供世嘉遊戲系列. 您可以下載聲音CD的apk文件來安裝你的Android設備. Sonic cd is also available in app store to download. To install sonic cd you required 4.2 or higher android version.


Last Updated Feb. 14, 2018
App Download Version 1.0.2
Apk Size N / A
Category Free Action App
App by SEGA
Support Android Version Android 17 and above
Content Rating Everyone
App Package com.sega.soniccd.classic



  • Use Sonic’s spin dash and super peel out moves to zoom around stages.
  • Time travel between the past, present, and future versions of each level.
  • Sonic CD now features both the US and Japanese soundtracks.
  • Clear the game to unlock MilesTailsPrower.


  • LEADERBOARDS – compete with the world for high scores
  • CONTROLLER SUPPORT: HID compatible controllers


  • (5/5) Touch Arcade: “Sonic CD is incredible”.
  • (9/10) IGN: “This is a great, fully featured port for iOS.
  • (4.5/5) 148 Apps: “looks and runs perfectly”.

– “Nothing could be simpler to pick up and play.by Steve White, Mega Action (December 1993)

– “Sonic CD is cracking video entertainment of the highest order.by Tim Tucker, SEGA Zone #13 (十一月 1993)

Any fan of Sonic will want to get their hands on this immediately.by Mark Hill, SEGA Pro #25 (十一月 1993)

“The most amazing Sonic adventure to date.” by Vincent Low, Sonic the Comic #15 (11th December 1993)

An excellent platform game with an ingenious game structure.by Paul Mellerick, MEGA #13 (October 1993)

Sonic CD is the Hog’s best outing yet.by SEGA Power #48 (十一月 1993)

Sonic CD is the best advertisement for Mega CD yet.by Andy Martin, Mega Drive Advanced Gaming #16 (December 1993)

Sonic CD is an absolute must for Mega CD owners.by Julian Rignall, SEGA Magazine #1 (January 1994)

Once again SEGA have come up trumps with another great foray into the world of the spiky, blue megastar.by Mark Smith, SEGA Force Mega #6 (December 1993)

Gameplay’s as slick as you’d expect of a Sonic game; the same goes for the graphics.by Warren Lapworth, Mega Machines #1 (December 1993)


Sonic CD apk requires following permissions on your android device.

  • open network sockets.
  • write to external storage.
  • access information about networks.
  • prevent processor from sleeping or screen from dimming.
  • access information about Wi-Fi networks.
  • access to the vibrator.

Sonic CD was the first game to feature Sonic speakingleave Sonic standing still for three minutes to hear him!
The original release of Sonic CD featured a secret spooky message screen that would greet data pirates
Sonic CD features two endings, and was the first in the series to feature full motion video cut scenes.
European and Japanese versions of the game featured different music to its American counterpart

  • Sonic CD was the SEGA CD’s best-selling game of all time at 1.5 million copies.
  • Sonic CD first released in Japan on September 23, 1993.
  • Remastered in 2011 by Christian Whitehead, the man behind Sonic Mania.
  • The first Sonic game to feature CD-quality Red Book audio.

Game apps are ads supported and no inapp purchases are required to progress. ads free play option available with inapp purchase.



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